Company aware of his/her disability, provided that such accommodation does not
impose an undue hardship on the operation of its business. Employees with a
disability who believe they need a reasonable accommodation to perform the
essential functions of their job should contact Human Resources.
HHHunt is committed to maintaining a work environment free of all forms of
discrimination and harassment, where employees treat each other with civility,
respect, dignity, and courtesy. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, using
offensive language, jokes, or gestures, bullying, or participating in other verbal,
graphic, or physical conduct that interferes with job performance or would make
a reasonable person uncomfortable in the work environment or during outside
work-related activities. This conduct may relate to, but it is not limited to a
personÊs race, color, creed, national origin, age, religion, sex, disability, veteran
status, marital status, or citizenship status.
The Company also prohibits harassment or discrimination of any nature, whether
based on a protected legal category or not. All employees are expected to treat
each other in a civil and respectful manner, and the Company will not tolerate
abusive or disrespectful conduct.
Sexual harassment, either opposite sex or same sex, is prohibited and deserves
special mention. It includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Physical assaults or physical conduct that is sexual in nature;
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests, or demands for sexual activity;
Unwelcome, deliberate, repeated, or unsolicited verbal comments,
gestures, or physical actions of a sexual nature (i.e., sexually derogatory
statements or unnecessary touching);
Sexual displays, or the distribution or display of publications such as
cartoons, jokes, graphics, or graffiti of a sexual nature;
Other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that has the purpose
or effect of interfering with an individualÊs work performance; and
Using or trying to use the authority of oneÊs position to affect the terms
and conditions of employment of an employee or applicant in exchange
for sex or sexual activity.
Our employees have the right to be free from racial or ethnic slurs, unwelcome
sexual advances or any other verbal or physical contact or other conduct that
substantially interferes with an employee's work performance or creates an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
This non-harassment policy extends to electronic messages exchanged between
HHHunt employees. Employees may not draft, prepare or otherwise send
messages to and/or from cellular phones that constitute harassment as defined
under this policy.
Complaint Procedure: Any person who believes he or she is being harassed or has
knowledge of harassing conduct is responsible for immediately reporting the