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Forhandleren af Benzinen fylder denne paa 3

Tankvogne og 60 Transportbeholdere. Hver

Tankvogn rummer 2388 1; men man regner med,

at 0,5 pCt. af den til Paafyldning af Tankvognene

anvendte Benzin spildes.

Hvor mange 1 Benzin bruges til Fyldning af


Hvor mange pCt. af den resterende Benzin­

mængde gaar til Spilde ved Fyldning af Trans­

portbeholderne, naar hver rummer 197 1?

Hvor mange pCt. af den hele indkøbte Benzin­

mængde gaar til Spilde?

De 19200


staar Forhandleren i 15 Øre pr. Li­

ter, hvortil kommer Statsskat; hvor stor er denne

pr. Liter, naar han tjener 13 pCt. ved at sælge

Benzinen i Tankvognene og Transportbeholderne

for 32 Øre pr. Liter?

En Cylinders Rumfang er lig u


h > hvor d er Cylin­

derens D iameter og h dens Længde.

Engelsk Version.

Some London Children.

First in this undisciplined army we meet the boy

who sells newspapers in the street, — a creature

who is always in a hurry, generally


and hot,

often ragged and dirty, but surprisingly intelligent.

Pie calls you “My Lord” if he thinks you are w il­

ling to pay a penny for a halfpenny paper. He

never has a halfpenny in his possession. If you

stand waiting for your


he says: “Half a

moment, sir”, and rushes away to get the coin from

another boy, — but you must not be surprised if

you never see your halfpenny. As a rule, however,

he is as honest as he is intelligent. His hours of

work are long, and his wares are often spoilt by

rain or wind or mud; he has to work like two men

to earn a



Then there is the girl with flowers. Early in the

morning she is at Covent Garden Market to get a

few poor flowers, which she can make up into

pretty little bouquets; for her fingers are the most


in the world. All day she wanders about,

offering her violets or roses. And at night she covers

what she has not sold, with a wet cloth in order

that the flowers may keep fresh as long as possible.

Sometimes the girl in the street sells matches,



and other small things of that kind.

On Saturdays both boys and girls may be seen at

work, though they have been at school all the week.

The boy goes about with


on this

their busiest day, or, for a shilling or so, assists

some shopkeeper who has got too much to do. The

girl walks about the streets, knocks at the doors and

asks the lady of the house: “Shall I clean your

doorsteep for a penny, ma’m?” Or she may be seen

in the parks, looking after other children who are

very little smaller than herself and much heavier.


hæs —


Smaapenge, Byttepenge. —


sparsom, kneben. —


behændig. —-



rebaand. —



Realeksamen i Maj—Juni 19 33 .

Dansk Stil.

Som almindelig Forberedelseseksamen.

Regning og Matematik.



har købt et Parti Klæde i London. Omkostnin­

gerne ved Forsendelsen udgør i alt 162/3 pCt. af


Han sælger Klædet for 11 Kr. 25 Øre pr. m og

tjener derved 284/7 pCt.

Hvor mange sh. har 1 Yard Klæde kostet i


Hvor mange nr indeholdt. Partiet, naar hans

Fortjeneste blev 113 Kr. 75 Øre?

100 Yard


91 m , ' l

£ =

20 sh = 240 d


19,50 Kr.


. En Brevpresser af Bronze med Vægtfylde 7,ss

vejer 2,361 kg og bestaar af en Kugle, som hviler

paa en kvadratisk Plade. Kvadratets Side er



cm, og Pladen er 2,65 cm tyk.

Find Pladens Vægt, Kuglens Vægt og Kuglens


En Plades Rumfang er P rodu ktet af Grundflade og Tykkelse.

En Kugle med Radius r har Rum fanget ^ n r 3. (log n — 0,\^\).

3. En Differensrække har



Produktet af første og sidste Led er 26. Sum­

men af tredie og fjerde Led er 10 K>.

Bestem Rækkens Led.