Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book - September 6, 2014 - page 79

Christopher John Blake,
SPIFAN Working Group Chair, Chloride & Fluoride
Dr. Blake is currently working in the Food Safety and Quality Department of
Nestlé Research Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland where he serves as a scientific
expert in the field of Laboratory Standards and Performance. Chris was born in
the UK, but has also worked in the USA and Switzerland for many years. He has
been active in quality related analytical work for over 30 years and is the author
of many scientific articles and book chapters in the area of food analysis. Before
joining Nestlé, he spent 5 years working for the Food Research Association in the UK, and 5 years for
Philip Morris European R&D Centre, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Chris has previously served as an AOAC General Referee for Fat Soluble Vitamins, and is currently
serving on the AOAC RI, Board of Directors. He received a BSc, MSc and PhD from London University in
the areas of food science and analytical chemistry.
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