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Reading Matters

Teaching Matters


Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016 |




615). This being said, the teacher education programs across the

state must address the needs of today’s adolescents by preparing

our preservice and inservice teachers to deliver the


disciplinary literacy instruction that is unique to each content area.

The Delivery of Content Area

Literacy Instruction

Most content area literacy courses have traditionally been

taught using a cross-disciplinary model. That is, students from

multiple content areas take the same course, learning about

generic strategies that may be adapted to fit any content area

subject. However, with the emphasis on disciplinary literacy,

institutions are moving towards providing literacy instruction that

is intra-disciplinary in nature (Fang, 2014; Lesley, 2014). This kind of

content area literacy instruction is ideal as it gives literacy teacher

educators the opportunity to tailor the literacy strategies presented

to fit the unique characteristics of a specific content area. However,

with this kind of a delivery model, logistical matters must be

considered to determine whether this method is feasible. First, the

size of content area cohorts varies greatly depending on the subject

area. For example, within one institution, the number of students

majoring in social studies education can be vastly greater than

the number of students majoring in music education at a given

point in time. Therefore, to have a content area literacy course

solely for music education majors would not be practical. Second,

the manpower that is needed to teach across a variety of content

area courses is sometimes not available in smaller institutions.

Oftentimes, smaller schools have a handful of literacy faculty who

must teach multiple literacy courses. Therefore, asking for multiple

content area literacy courses to be taught could put a strain on

faculty schedules. As a result, fully moving away from the cross-

disciplinary approach to teaching content area literacy courses

may not be possible, and as a result, literacy teacher educators

may consider how they can adapt their current practices to ensure

that the variety of disciplines represented in their courses are

being meaningfully addressed. The five principles below are ideas

for literacy teacher educators to consider as they move forward

in designing and delivering their content area literacy courses.

Five Principles to Consider When

Teaching a Content Area Literacy

Course across Disciplines

PRINCIPLE 1: Collaborate with content area colleagues in

designing and delivering instruction.

Literacy teacher educators

come from a variety of academic backgrounds and may or may

not have formal training in content area subjects, especially as it

pertains to middle and secondary level courses (Fang & Coatoam,

2013). For example, a literacy teacher educator who has an

elementary education undergraduate degree, a master’s and

doctoral degree in literacy, and now teaches at the higher education

level has training in how to teach content area subjects up to the

sixth grade. Unless this individual has sought out opportunities to

take courses related to teaching content area subjects to middle

level and secondary students, this kind of background knowledge

may not be in place. Therefore, literacy teacher educators should

work with content area instructors to learn about what it means to

read and write in specific content areas. This work could include

analyzing textbooks, discussing specific theories and practices

within the designated fields, and talking about goals for student

learning outcomes (Johnson, Watson, Delahunty, McSwiggen,

& Smith, 2011). They could use this newfound knowledge to

streamline the selection and teaching of literacy strategies that will

be relevant to individual content areas. This could be a reciprocal

process as the content area instructor could concurrently learn

about literacy strategies from the literacy teacher educator. The

content area instructor could in turn apply literacy strategies in

the teaching of his or her designated content. Students would

experience a strategy being used across multiple contexts, in the

content area literacy course and in the subject area course, which

would help them to understand the effective integration of literacy

and see what it could look like in the P-12 classroom setting.

PRINCIPLE 2: Look for commonalities across content area

subjects and group cohorts based on these commonalities.


mentioned previously, there are challenges to offering different

content areas literacy courses to students across every discipline.

Thus, one of the things that literacy teacher educators could

encourage administrators to consider as they plan course schedules

is to think about grouping students based on the commonalities

across disciplines. Some examples of grouping options could be:

• Grouping students based on the emphasis of reading and writing

in the disciplines. Subjects such as art, mathematics, music,

physical education, and foreign language have not traditionally

been considered to be content areas that heavily focus on reading

and writing (Ming, 2012). However, there are designated strategies

that are appropriate for these subject areas. In a course with this

kind of grouping arrangement, the course instructor would have

the opportunity to emphasize why literacy is relevant to each of

these four content areas and would be able to select and teach

about literacy strategies that are not heavily text dependent.

On the other hand, subjects such as science, history, English,

and geography rely more heavily on students reading and

processing large amounts of connected text. Therefore grouping

students based on this need would allow the course instructor

to introduce literacy strategies that are more text focused.

• Grouping students based on the academic level where they are

currently teaching or plan to teach. Teaching in an elementary

school looks very different than it does in a middle or high school

setting. Elementary teachers are responsible for teaching all of

the content areas on a daily basis. At the middle and high school

levels, teachers typically have one or two content areas of focus.

Therefore, in working with preservice and inservice teachers at

the elementary level, literacy teacher educators need to focus on

sharing literacy strategies that are not only pertinent to specific

subjects, but that can be easily adapted across content areas.

This will enable teachers in this setting to work smarter as they

prepare multidisciplinary lessons, and make learning connections

as they work with students. As literacy teacher educators work

with preservice and inservice middle and secondary level

educators, they can target their strategy selection and use very

specific strategies that match the characteristics of the disciplines

and the needs of adolescent learners (Dew & Teague, 2015).