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Reading Matters

Teaching Matters


Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016 |




add better word choice tomy writing.” The goals from the pre-

assessment should be the same on the post-assessment. Review

with the students,“What does it mean to find evidence to support

your answer?”(e.g., when answering questions about a reading

passage, evidence may be a sentence or example from the text).

Next, using the revised piece of writing, use think-aloud

strategies andmodel how to find evidence that shows progress

toward the goal. For example,“I have a sentence in my writing

(highlight the sentence) that shows I used better word choice.

I underlined the boring word, ran, and used a thesaurus to

find a better word. My improved sentence is, “My brother

sprinted across the lawn to safety. I’ll write this sentence on

the line under the rating box as evidence.”

Then, choose a rating that shows how the goal was reflected

in the final copy. Again, think aloud for students, “I think I did a

better job with my word choice, but maybe I could have added

even more vivid words. I will rate myself as a 4, because I think I

still have room to improve.” Circle the 4 box on the goal sheet.

After meeting as a group, the teacher should distribute the

post-assessment goal sheets. Walk around to assist students as they

rewrite their goals, find evidence in their writing, and rate their

improvement level. This step may require additional conference

time with some students.

Final Copies and Post Assessment Goal Sheets

At the end of the writing unit, students will turn in both

goal sheets with the final copy of their writing. Teachers should

refer to the goal sheets and provide specific written feedback

on the post-assessment goal sheet for each student. This

feedback should be shared during an individual conference

and the teacher and student should discuss whether to

continue with a goal or move on to a new goal for future writing

assignments. When it’s time to begin the next writing unit,

restart the process using new pre-assessment goal sheets.

Instructional Considerations

The steps outlined above can be adapted to fit the needs of any

class or grade level. Below are some considerations for teachers

interested in using goal setting during writing conferences:

Develop a system for taking notes during conferences.

Having a specific procedure for record keeping will not only

ensure conferences are held on a regular basis, but it will

also allow for better use of instructional time. Conference

logs can be used to record students’ explanations for

writing, possible social influences for their choices, and

other common themes found among the students (Kissel,

2008). Reviewing notes before conferences allow teachers

to quickly review information from the last conference

(what was discussed, what the student was working on,

steps student was going to take going forward, and so on).

Additionally, teachers should develop a system for archiving

students’ goal sheets. These can be reviewed periodically to

monitor progress, share progress, and ensure mastery.

Be positive.

It is important to provide positive and constructive

feedback during conferences. While goal setting allows teachers

and students to target specific areas of need, conferences should

always begin on a positive note - with a positive comment. What

is working with the student’s writing? What have they done well?

What or where have they improved? Be specific, as this is a great

opportunity for teachers to build the student’s confidence.

Be pragmatic.

For students who struggle with writing and have

many areas that need improvement, teachers need to provide

support in identifying a high-impact skill that will lead to positive

development across writing. For example, it is unnecessary

to focus on indenting paragraphs if the student is unable to

generate supporting details for the topic of a paragraph. In

addition, while there are three spaces for goals, teachers should

consider starting with just one goal and increasing the number

as the student progresses and demonstrates improvement.

Be flexible.

Students move through the writing process at different

rates. The writing process is not linear; many students revisit stages

throughout the development of a writing piece. In addition,

there are times a student will start on a piece of writing and lose

interest. It is important for teachers to allow students to make

these decisions about their writing. Further, while the goal sheet

may provide a starting point and structure for your conference,

teachers need to remain open and responsive to the“teachable

moments”that often present themselves during instruction.

Use the information from the conferences to make

instructional decisions.

Notes from conferences can provide

data for planning future mini-lessons (Kissel, 2008). Teachers

may ask themselves,“What patterns do I see? What goals are

most common among students?”Analyzing the data is a great

way to plan instruction in order to support students as they

work toward their goals. Also, identifying patterns can lead to

small group conferences. Small group conferences may be a

more efficient use of instructional time, and they provide an

environment where students may learn from each other.

Collect student examples.

Look for strong examples (and non-

examples) to share with students. These can be referred to during

mini-lessons and used during conferences to develop ideas and

strategies for students. Student examples have a strong influence

because it shows students that someone just like them is capable

of setting and meeting writing goals. Students learn a lot from each

other and these examples may help them think about their writing

in new ways. Sharing authentic examples also provides students

the opportunity to share their success with classmates. This can

be another way to boost student confidence and motivation.

Be patient.

This process starts with a lot of teacher modeling,

practice, and continuous feedback. Modeling is essential in helping

students understand the complexity of writing. Students need to

both see and hear the teacher as they model how they think and