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Reading Matters

Teaching Matters




Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016 | CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS

The next step is to introduce

the pre-assessment goal sheet (see

Figure 4). Demonstrate how these

sheets will be used during writing

conferences. Begin by sharing a

writing sample of your own and

show how you identified a goal that

matches a need in your writing.

Model how to write a goal on the line

under Goal 1. For example, “I will add

better word choices to my writing.”

Then, model how to select

the rating that best represents

the current level of performance.

Think aloud strategies can be

used to model for students. For

example, “I feel like I use a few

higher-level words in my paper

(underline those in the sample

being shared), but I could definitely

add more. I will rate myself as a

3, because I can show the skill,

but I can improve on it more.” Circle the box marked 3.

Then, think of a specific strategy to help improve that goal.

Again, model by thinking aloud: “I know I’ve learned to use a

thesaurus to find synonyms for boring words, so I will write

down that I will underline boring words in my writing and use

a thesaurus to replace them with more exciting words.” Ask

students to think of specific goals they could work on within

their writing (add to the list started as a class, see Figure 2).

This list may help spark ideas among the students as they

begin developing their own writing goals. Continue to add to

this list throughout the year as new goals are developed.

After meeting as a group, the

teacher should distribute the pre-

assessment goal sheets. Give students

time to draft up to three goals

for their next writing conference.

Encourage students to look at past

writing examples in their writing

journals for ideas. Walk around the

room to assist as students create

goals, rate their skill level, and identify

a specific strategy for each goal. Goal

sheets should be placed in the front

of the student’s writing folder so

students can reference them each day

during independent writing time.


reproducible copies of goal sheets for

older and younger writers, see the pages

immediately following this article).

Implementing Goal

Setting during

Individual Writing


After the initial introduction

of goal setting, it’s time to begin

individual writing conferences

using the goal sheets. The

following guidelines are arranged

by writing unit (which includes

working on a piece of writing

across the stages of the writing

process: pre-writing, drafting,

revising, editing, and publishing)

and provide a general guide for

implementation. These steps

may need to be adjusted based

on student progress, needs,

and instructional focus.


Goal Sheet

Throughout the writing

unit, make time to conference with each student at least once.

Some students may need more than one conference, based

on how much instructional support they require. Begin the

conference by asking the student to share their goal sheet and

then read their piece of writing aloud. After, ask them to provide

evidence from their writing to support the information on

their goal sheet. Many students will need support developing

and/or revising their goals, ratings, and strategies.

When the conferencing time of the workshop has ended and

the class transitions to the sharing portion of the session, select a

student who has a clear goal and appropriately matched strategy

to share their work, including

evidence from their writing, with

the class. It is important to ask

the student’s permission first to

be sure they feel comfortable

with sharing their goals.

Post-Assessment Goal


As students near the end of the

writing unit and prepare to publish

their work, have the class meet again

in the commonmeeting area for a

mini-lesson on how to complete the

post-assessment goal sheet. Display

the post-assessment goal sheet (see

Figure 5) on chart paper or the board.

Using the same information

modeled during the introductory

mini-lesson, write the goal

created on the Goal 1 line.“I will

Figure 4. Pre-assessment goal sheet.

Figure 5. Pre-assessment goal sheet.