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Reading Matters



Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016




Abstract — In this article, the authors explore how the South

Carolina Read to Succeed Act can shape the development of

pre-service teachers (PSTs). First, they look at how the national

landscape of education policy and reform affects the state

development of reading policy, specifically exploring the

relationship between high stakes testing and reform initiatives. They

then describe how the changing definition of literacy, particularly

disciplinary literacy, and data-driven reform align and diverge.

Finally, the authors offer recommendations for how to use the goals

of Read to Succeed and a focus on disciplinary literacy to shape

preservice education for the sake of adolescents in South Carolina.

We live in an age of data, and that data drives conversations

about success and failure. Many assessments show adolescent

literacy in South Carolina lagging behind most states in the

union. In a 2011 release, the Education Oversight Committee

(EOC) of South Carolina reported that South Carolina ranked

42nd in the country for eighth grade reading scores (Education

Oversight Committee [EOC], 2011). According to the 2012 NAEP

assessment of reading, South Carolina’s eighth graders scored

an average of 260, lower than the 262 average of regional

counterpart Florida but slightly higher than Alabama’s average of

258. All of these are lower than the national average of 264 (EOC,

2012). Although recent publications have critiqued the limits of

using literacy achievement data for understanding competency

in reading (Au & Tempel, 2012), these snapshots provide an

urgent image: over a quarter of South Carolina adolescents

struggle to demonstrate academic literacy proficiency. To learn

and obtain high levels of academic literacy, adolescents in South

Carolina, including those in this image, need access to the ways

knowledge is produced—through reading, writing, reasoning,

and discourse--in academic disciplines (Moje, 2008, p.103).

At the same time Read to Succeed legislation became law

in spring of 2014, Margaret, a preservice teacher in social

studies education, completed her final year in our program.

To teach well, Margaret, and other PSTs, must develop

knowledge of students, knowledge of literacy, knowledge

of pedagogy, and disciplinary knowledge comprised of both

driving concepts and literacy practices (Manderino, 2012).

Given the urgency surrounding adolescent literacy, the

requirements of Read to Succeed (R2S) legislation in South

Carolina, and her own proclivity to view literacy as discrete,

generalizable skills instead of discipline-specific literacy

practices used to create knowledge, how can Margaret be

prepared for this challenge? We offer guiding principles

for preparing PSTs for the daunting task of supporting

adolescent literacies within secondary school disciplines.

Read to Succeed as state policy in a

national conversation about literacy

Since the Coleman report (Coleman, Campbell, Hobson,

McPartland, Mood &Weinfeld, 1966), discourse and policies related

to equality of education have shifted towards an output model

with a common, widely accepted premise: improving teachers

improves student literacy. The literacy education of teachers

has historically been viewed through input and output models

where pre-service programs input “highly qualified teachers”

into classrooms, and where “effective teaching” is measured

and now evaluated by student output. The current climate of

high-stakes testing and teacher evaluation models has thrown

this into overdrive by narrowly defining both ends. Within this

larger historical and political context, literacy achievement gaps

and dropout rates provided the impetus for the adoption of

the 2014 South Carolina Read to Succeed (R2S) legislation.

Ratified by both the Senate and the House in 2014, the

crafters of Read to Succeed see the act as a contract with the

youth of South Carolina to guarantee access to effective literacy

instruction stating “the true goal of the Read to Succeed Act:

ensuring that every South Carolina student has an opportunity

to acquire the grade-appropriate ability to read, write, and

speak the English language” (South Carolina Department of

Education, 2014, p. 2). Key provisions require that secondary

school classroom practice include literacy assessments,

reading interventions and the use of “evidence-based reading

instruction” to provide every student with “targeted, effective,

comprehension support from the classroom teacher” and, if

needed, supplemental support from a reading interventionist

so all students can comprehend grade‑level texts (p. 4).

To this end, the law states “classroom teachers receive

pre‑service and in‑service coursework which prepares them

to help all students comprehend grade‑level texts” (p. 4). The

intentions of the act are weighty—yet too narrow—while placing

the responsibility on the shoulders of teachers and teacher

preparation programs to develop courses and instructional

activities that will culminate in meaningful change in classrooms

and improved adolescent literacy in disciplines. By 2016-2017,

programs licensing teachers at the secondary level must offer

a six-credit hour sequence in literacy that includes a course in

the foundations of reading and a course in content-area reading

and writing. These courses should address the elements and

assessing competencies in the appropriate set of South Carolina

Literacy Competencies for Middle and High School Content

Area Teachers. Through two courses, pre-service teachers

must garner a foundational understanding of reading and

Guiding Principles for Preservice Teacher Literacy

Education in Light of Read to Succeed

Susan Cridland-Hughes, Clemson University

PhilipWilder, Clemson University