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Reading Matters





Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016 | CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS

in the work of improving adolescent literacy while pursuing

questions impacting the literate lives of teachers and adolescents.

3. The push for more engaged literacy learning needs to resist

the desire to prescribe literacy activities and programs.

We cannot attempt to teacher-proof a literacy curriculum. Read to

Succeed can be interpreted in two ways, either as a collection of

ways we want our PSTs to think about and plan disciplinary literacy

instruction in a classroom or as a list of prescriptive activities and

assignments that limit teacher creativity and responsiveness to

the classroom and the individual student. Prescriptive literacy

is not something that R2S advocates for, especially in relation

to adolescent literacy, but there are prescriptive elements of

the bill, including the requirement that struggling readers

complete ninety minutes of supplemental instruction per day

after they are identified. It is a very real possibility that limited

resources will reduce the richness of the legislation to the easiest

implementation. For example, teachers are already reporting

that there are department and county requirements for grammar

instruction and daily oral practice, even though research indicates

that grammar is best taught in context within mentor texts

(Wilde, 2012). We need to ask ourselves how we integrate what

we know about effective literacy engagement and what we

know about effective teaching. We use the term engagement

deliberately-- particularly in the secondary school setting,

student engagement is one of the key aspects to cultivating deep

literacy. Regardless of grade, however, motivation is a key aspect

of literacy engagement, and prescribing a step-by-step activity

guide will do more harm than good. On the contrary, when

we pursue disciplinary inquiry with students and focus on the

unsettled questions in our discipline, literacy practices become

purposeful and essential to adolescent disciplinary learning.

4. Use a yes/and perspective about student competency rather

than a deficit perspective of student disciplinary literacy.

It is easy for teachers and students to measure worth with the

tests, and to use what they believe the tests reveal to prescribe the

potential of students. This is where sociocultural theory helps us

understand the range of experiences and ways of engaging with

text that fall outside testable competencies. We need to teach PSTs

in ways that allow them to see a test score as


potentially useful

piece of data amongst many other pieces of data. We need to teach

PSTs to administer low stakes literacy surveys, to critically observe

adolescents out-of-school activities, and to carefully observe what

students are doing and saying before they make an assessment

of student literacies. Focusing on limitations places a ceiling on

student success, but using that information to design instructional

responses allows teachers to provide students with the respectful

instruction needed to scaffold disciplinary literacies. This is a

subtle shift in orientation, but to put it plainly, if we are assessing

literacy only to identify student deficits and this assessment

of literacy is always formal, we see students as failing from the

onset. If we see the assessment of literacy as a way to enhance

already existing competencies and tie it to classroom practice, we

see students and their interactions with text as places to grow.


These four recommendations offer us a starting place for

translating policy into practice; in this case getting that transition

right is crucial not only for teachers but also for students.

In South Carolina, Read to Succeed represents a new influx

of resources as a response to data indicating longstanding

reading challenges at the secondary school level. The state has

committed money to support the establishment of programs

beginning even before schooling to improve performance on

literacy indicators. Teachers are an important part of this multi-

pronged advocacy that expands far beyond their classrooms

into the quality of life of the larger community. However, the

way we conceptualize literacy is key to helping students see

how different literacies have meaning in their lives. Improving

adolescent academic literacy necessitates a broadened

understanding of the reading, writing, reasoning and discourses

within each discipline as well as the design of disciplinary literacy

pedagogies that apprentice students into the practices used

to construct knowledge. Unless we resist deficit perspectives

of traditional print text, resist the desire to prescribe blanket

solutions, and support teachers as they deepen understandings

of literacy in their discipline, and create collaborative school

communities dedicated to helping each student expand

and grow, we run the risk of turning literacy instruction into

even more detailed documentation of student failure.


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