“Many countries in Africa have huge
infrastructure programmes to build
roads, water systems and power
stations to meet the demands of
the world’s second most populous continent.
Adfil recognises the growth opportunities
and chose Chryso as its preferred partner
with the view to increase our fibre market
share in Africa,” Mark Mitchell, technical sales
manager for Adfil Fibres, explains. Adfil has
Both industry titans and new entrants
into the local marketplace find value
in the African Construction and Totally
Concrete Expo experience because the platform
provides an outlet for construction business
development alongside practical insight into
managing daily operations in the African context.
The event unites the world’s leading pioneers
of cement, concrete and construction, bringing
together African and international expertise with
more than 80 world-renowned expert speakers
that share their expertise into new insights
and aspects of cement, concrete, building and
construction. The 2016 edition of the event
has new and exciting features that includes an
indoor and outdoor expo featuring nearly 200
exhibiting companies.
One of the featured spotlight speakers at the
2016 event is Thierry Bogaert, CEO of Bogaert
Architecture in France and pioneer of industrial
architecture. With more than 80 major schemes
in 20 countries, Bogaert participates regularly
in the design and modernisation of industrial
facilities or, more prosaically, in their visual
regeneration. Some of his flagship projects
of honourable mention include the complete
modernisation of the Beffes cement plant in
France, the spectacular face-lifting of a factory
near Istanbul in Turkey, the design of grinding
plants in La Rochelle, France and in Kampala,
Uganda, as well as a central and operation
building for a gas plant in Qatar.
“My specific expertise has naturally led me
towards theoretical research into the factory
of the future for the benefit of large industrial
groups on the margins of COP 21 in Paris,” says
Bogaert of his contribution to both architecture
and industry. In addition to his extensive
The African Construction and
Totally Concrete Expo provides
a unique gateway into doing
construction business across
the continent’s high growth
and high risk markets. The
subcontinent requires 40
million tonnes of new cement
capacity alone in order to
meet rising urbanisation and
growth rates with the region's
population forecast to grow
from 1,1 billion people in 2013
to 2,4 billion by 2050.
in Africa
In a considered move and one which underpins the
strength of Chryso Southern Africa’s position on the African
continent, the Adfil Construction Fibre division of the UK
based Low & Bonar Group has announced it is partnering
with this leading supplier of concrete and cement
admixtures and ancillary products as a vehicle for the
growth for its fibre business into Africa.
almost three decades of experience in the
development, production and distribution of
fibres in over 60 countries.
Adfil will also be doing a lot of develop-
ment work with a South African company
called Oxyfibre – who has treated and
supplied fibres to Chryso Southern Africa
for nearly 20 years. Oxyfibre has developed
patented surface technologies and nano
technologies for polypropylene fibres thereby
offering the construction and mining markets
bespoke fibre solutions for every application.
Oxyfibre and Chryso will also be able to
utilise a design service offered by Adfil for
concrete slabs and precast concrete elements.
This programme looks at certain parameters
specified by engineers and fibre dosages for
cost effective and optimum performances.
“Fibre reinforced concrete is increasingly
specified by engineers. There are an expanding
number of project references, case studies
and test results that engineers can consult
proving that the use of fibres in concrete can
create cost savings, good performance results,
safety benefits and a reduced carbon footprint.
However, it is important that concrete is
designed to accommodate fibres and this
brings in Chryso’s much needed admixtures
and technical expertise with regards to
concrete mix design,” Mitchell adds.
Chryso Southern Africa’s Hannes Engel-
brecht, general manager: marketing and
inland sales, believes that distributing Adfil
fibres will bring significant benefits to the
company’s customers. ”Initially Chryso will
distribute Adfil’s micro fibres and then roll out
their macro fibres as well as a concrete slab
design programme in the next few months.
We believe that Chryso now has a fibre
solution that no other admixture company
can offer. Both Chryso and Adfil are respected
brands synonymous with quality and Adfil will
provide technical backing and resources to
support our customers with any fibre related
requirements. We have already supplied
technical fibre training to our own sales staff
as well as a few of our customers,” he says.
Part of the performance materials
company, Low and Bonar PLC, Adfil
Construction Fibres has access to and draws
from many areas of expertise, including
concrete technology, design, production,
quality engineering, logistics as well as
health and safety.
Initially Chryso will distribute Adfil’s micro
fibres and then roll out their macro fibres as
well as a concrete slab design programme in
the next few months.
Mark Mitchell, Adfil technical sales manager and
Izak Louw, operations manager of Oxyfibre.