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Thoroughly shake to chill mixture and to dissolve the


Now pour into eight tall, slender goblets equal portions

and garnish each glass with a half slice of lemon, a shce of

orange cut into halves and a quarter shce of pineapple. Fill

glass with cracked ice until abouta half inch from rim. Afew

raspberries, strawberries or whatever other berries may be in

season, can be placed on top.

Use straws or glass sippers to imbibe this refreshing drink.

To make up enough for four, just divide the ingredients by

two;if for two persons, use the same method of reducing the

portions or make individually. To make more than eight,

proportion the ingredients accordingly.


To one pint of brandy of any kind add two pints of Port

wine and two pints of "gum," stirring to mix thoroughly.

Now add cracked ice to your punch bowl and pour in two

quarts of carbonated or seltzer water. Add a pint of hme

juice,flavor with six tablespoonfuls of Arrack and the grated

oily yellow skins of four lemons. This makes about 35 to 40

punch glass drinks.


On the ice square in your punch bowl pour a quart of

brandy and a bottle of white wine of any kind. Now add

about four ounces of Curacao and stir until thoroughly

mixed. Sweeten with "gum" to taste, usually a teacup full

wiU do. Squeeze out the juice of one and a half lemons and

stir briskly.

This mixture will give about fifteen drinks. More or less

can be made by simply proportioning the ingredients.


Your guests will like this Brandy Milk Pimch.

Mix in a large container one quart of brandy in which the

rinds of three lemons have been steeped overnight,a quart of