strain to remove pith, and add juice to the mixture. Stir
thoroughly after placing in the punch bowl chunks of cracked
ice to thoroughly chill the hquid, and then serve. This will
make about twenty drinks.
Another dehghtful gin pvmch which must be served
VERY COLD is this:
One pint of gin mixed with half pint of Maraschino
cordial and the juice of four lemons.
Stir into this a pint of"gum"and then add two quarts of
carbonated water, stirring the contents in your punch bowl
before addingice to chiU it. Itis essentialthatthe ingredients
he thoroughly mixed.
Now,after athorough chilling,add diced orange and pine
apple in whatever proportions you desire, and serve.
This mixture gives about twenty to twenty-five drinks.
Let us turn omr thoughts now to a wine pimch or two.
A pleasant one to make and drink is the port wine pimch,
and here's how to make one:
One quart of port wine is poured over the big ice square
in the center of your large punch bowl. This is followed with
a quart of Arrack,an East Indian alcoholic liquor obtained
from distilled palm wine or fermented rice. It is very sweet
and pecuharly adapted for using with all kinds of punches.
In fact, hostesses might experiment with it on some of the
punches herein described. But—back to our mixture of a
Port wine punch.
Now that the Arrack is in the punch bowl,stir in the juice
of seven lemons and about a pint and a half of"gmn."
Your punch now is ready for the addition of a quart of
carbonated water or seltzer, which should be added last in
order to preserve as much of its effervescent qualities as
possible. The stirring should only be sufficient to mix all
ingredients and then the resultant punch should be served