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hUadhaigh’s amendment was at his request recorded.

The original motion for the adoption of the report

(with the exception of Part III) was then put to the

meeting and adopted.

It was decided that the next annual meeting of the

Society should be held on 24th November, 19


Ou the motion o f Mr. Ernest Proud, seconded by

Mr. P. C. Moore, Mr. Nash, Vice-President took the

Chair and Mr. Proud then moved and Mr. Moore

seconded a vote of thanks to the President for his

distinguished services to the Society during his

year o f office. Mr. Nash associated himself with the

motion which was passed with acclamation. The

President replied and the proceedings terminated.




p e c ia l

General Meeting

o f

the Society was held

on 25th November, 1954, pursuant to a requisition

signed by the necessary number of members.

o f


Society under Bye-law 27.

The President took the Chair. The following

resolution which had been referred to the Special

Meeting by the Annual Meeting o f the Society

was proposed by Mr. T. D. McLoughlin, seconded

by Mr. Peadar Cowan—cc That Part III of

the report o f the Council for the year ending

25th November, 1954, be not adopted and be

referred back to the Council.”

The proposer

and seconder and Messrs. Sean O hUadliaigh, T. A.

O’Reilly, and D. Slattery addressed the meeting.

Mr. Donough O’Donovan, Chief State Solicitor,

proposed as an amendment and Mr. P. C. Moore

seconded that Part III of the report be adopted.

After replies from the mover and seconder o f the

substantive motion it was withdrawn by permission

o f the meeting on a statement by the Chairman that

subject to the attainment of the paramount object

that the Solicitors’ Bill, 1954, should become law

before 5th January, 1955, and to the unfettered

discretion o f the Council in taking all necessary

action to achieve that object, the Council would try

to obtain the agreement o f the Government to the

amendment o f the Bill on the Committee stage, with

the object of ensuring that members o f the Dis­

ciplinary Committee would not be associated with

the preliminary investigation o f complaints, and

to an amendment increasing the quorum o f the

Disciplinary Committee from 3 to 5.

The following motion on the Agenda was then

proposed by Mr. T. D. McLoughlin and seconded

by Mr. Raymond Kenny—“ That this Society

recognising the disadvantages attaching to the

members, by the continued use o f the designation

‘ solicitor ’ hereby calls on the Society through its

Council to press for the rejection o f the use thereof

in the Bill at present before the Oireachtas entitled

the Solicitors’ Bill, and for the substitution therefor

o f the traditional, historical designation o f ‘Attorney-

at-Law’ .” The proposer and seconder and Mr. Sean

O hUadhaigh and H. E. McClenaghan and Arthur

Cox having spoken to the motion and the proposer

having replied it was put to the meeting and declared


Mr. T. D. McLoughlin moved the following

motion on the Agenda—“ That this Society deplores

the use o f the term ‘ Civil Service Solicitor ’ in the

Bill at present before the Oireachtas entitled the

Solicitors’ Bill, 1954* and hereby calls on the

Society through its Council to press for the rejec­

tion o f the terms aforesaid and for the substitution

therefore o f the term ‘ Attorney-at-Law in the

service of the State.’ ”

The President stated that the question of the term

“ Civil Service Solicitor ” was under discussion

between the State Departments’ Solicitors’ Associa­

tion and the Council and that it was likely that

representations would be made to the Government

to substitute the term “ Solicitor in the service of the

State ” for the term “ Civil Service Solicitor.” The

proposer with the permission o f the meeting

withdrew the motion.

The proceedings then terminated.






President o f the Society for the year

1954-5 5


Dr. Henry A . Maginess, Lisburn. The five extraord­

inary members on the Council o f this Society are—

Messrs. Thomas Q. King, Belfast;


Murnaghan, Omagh ; Charles MacLoughlin, Cole­

raine; and James C. Taylor, Belfast, with Dt.




h e

Annual General Meeting of the above Associa­

tion took place on Friday, 3rd December,



following officers were elected for the year

1954-5 5 :


Mr. John J . Horgan;


Mr John Francis Fo ley;

Hon. Treasurer,

Bryan J.


Hon. Secretary,

Gerald J . Moloney;


—Messrs. T. A. Buckley, J. K . Coakley,

C. J. Daly, C. E . Exham, Edmund Hayes, J. B-

Jermyn, P. J. Kavanagh, J. W. O’Donovan, B. M.

O’Meara, D. J . Quinlan, Michael Boland, T. K.


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