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The following members were appointed to

represent the Association as Extraordinary members

of the Council o f the Incorporated Law Society, in

addition to the President, Mr. John J. Horgan

Messrs. Edmund Hayes, Barry M. O’Meara, John B.

Jermyn, Patrick J. Kavanagh.




h e

following are the President and officers fo r

the year 1954-55: President, Cecil G. Vanston;

Vice-President, David R. P igo t; Hon. Secretary,

Eunan McCarron ; Hon. Treasurer, Rory O’Connor.

Council: Messrs. F. Connolly, J. Cullen, M.

Farrelly, R. Healy, J. N. Plughes, L. Kearon,

M. Leech, B. McGarry, S. Millington.

The Annual Dinner o f the Bar Association was

held by kind permission o f the Council in the

Library o f the Law Society on Saturday the n th

December, 1954.

There was an attendance of

approximately 140 members and guests.

The Council o f the Association has been com­

pelled to raise the members subscription for the

current year to






25 th November, the President at a ceremony in

the Society’s Library presented certificates of

admission to the following solicitors :—

John K . Boland, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork;

Patrick J. Cody, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow;

Esmond Davies,


.A ., LL .B ., Ingoldsby, Crosth-

waite Park S. Dun Laoghaire; Alec Diamond, 174

Stillorgan Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin; James D.

Donegan, “ Fastnet,” Ballinlough, Co. Co rk ;

Charles W. R. Fay, 13 Thomas Ashe Street, Cavan ;

John A . Gaynor,


.A ., St. Flelier’s, Stillorgan Park,

Blackrock, Co. Dublin (2nd Place September Final,

Special Cert.); Denis H. Johnston, B .A ., LL.B .


Sandycove Road, Dun Laoghaire; John B.

Kirby B .A ., LL .B ., 32 Frascati Park, Blackrock, Co.

Dublin; James Maguire, 55 Clontarf Park, Vernon

Avenue, Co. Dublin; Mary E. Reihill, B.A ., Deep-

well, Blackrock, Co. Dublin (1st Place April Final,

Special Cert.); Francis T. D. Sweeney, 6 New

Brighton, Monkstown, Co. Dublin ; Patrick Smyth,

Mill Street, Monaghan; Dominic B. A . Spelman,


St. Anne’s Road, Drumcondra, Dublin; Ray­

mond M. Walker, B.A ., LL .B ., 14 Leeson Park,

Dublin; John Baily, Ballyard, Tralee, Co. K erry;

Ignatius F. Branigan, Battery Road, Longford;

Kieran T. Flynn, St. Michael Street, Tipperary

(2nd Place April Final, Special Cert.).


25TH N

o v em b e r

The President in the Chair.

Also p r e s e n tM e s s r s . John J. Nash and John R.

Halpin, Vice-Presidents; William J. Norman, John

Maher, Dermot P. Shaw, Terence de Vere White,

Francis J. Lanigan, John J. Sheil, Cornelius J. Daly’

John F. Foley, Desmond J. Mayne, Niall S. Gaffney,

George G. Overend, John Carrigan, Arthur Cox,

Henry St. J. Blake, James J. O’Connor, Ralph J.

Walker, Patrick R. Boyd, Louis E . O’Dea, Francis

X . Burke, Sean O hUadhaigh, Peter E. O’Connell,

John B. Jermyn, Joseph P. Tyrrell, Patrick F.


The following was among the business transacted :

Solicitors’ B ill, 19 5 4 .


h e

Council received a deputation from the Dublin

Solicitors’ Bar Association and the State Depart­

ments’ Solicitors’ Association which submitted

recommendations in regard to a number o f sections

in the Bill. The Council adopted a number of these

recommendations and undertook to submit them to

the Government with a view to having the Bill

amended on the Committee Stage.

Housing o f the Working Classes Acts.

Conveyance by statutory receipt. Costs.


h e

Secretary read the following questions

su b ­

mitted to counsel by direction o f the Council with

counsel’s opinion thereon :—-


Will a solicitor acting for a local authority

acquiring land for the purpose o f the Housing

of the Working Classes Acts be entitled to

charge the commission scale fee wherp the

land is acquired by voluntary agreement, the

assurance being effected by statutory receipt ?

The same question was submitted as regards

the costs of the solicitor acting for the owner.

Counsel advised that no question o f the

assurance being effected by a statutory receipt

can arise in the case o f an acquisition by agree­

ment and that under the provisions o f section

32 o f the Housing (Amendment) Act, 1948,

the Land Registration Rules, and the Solici­

tors’ Remuneration General Orders, the

solicitors for the owner and tne purchaser are

entitled to the commission scale fee.


Will the solicitor acting for a local authority

acquiring land for the purpose o f the said

Acts compulsorily without any agreement be

entitled to charge the commission scale fee

where the assurance is effected by way of

statutory receipt? The same question was

submitted as regards the costs of the solicitor

acting for the owner.

5 i