enables us to better support the company’s
future growth within southern and eastern
Africa,” explained Christensson. “It is there-
fore a strategic investment in our future and
will enable us to support our customers more
efficiently and timely, especially in light of the
significant volume growth our brands have
experienced over the last number of years.”
Volvo Group also invested more than R60
million into a new Regional Distribution
Centre on the East Rand, that houses in ex-
cess of 52 000 parts for Volvo Bus, Volvo
Construction Equipment, Volvo Trucks, Volvo
Penta, Renault Trucks and UD Trucks.
The company also opened a new Compe-
tence Development Centre at its headquar-
ters in Boksburg in November 2015. A total
of 2 093 employees, dealer staff and cus-
tomers were trained last year in various dis-
ciplines including driver instruction, product,
technical and sales training.
“We are very excited about the future po-
tential of this new facility, as we build and
strengthen the company for greater success
in the years to come,” said Christensson.
“We will continue to invest in the knowledge
and development of our staff and dealers,
as we believe it is our people that make a
company sustainable and successful on the
long run.”
During 2015, the company has also been
assigned increased responsibility for the en-
tire South East Africa region that includes 21
markets such as Angola, Malawi, Sudan and
countries in the SADC region.
Volvo Group SA has a comprehensive dealer
network for its various brands across this
region, with a growing footprint to serve and
support fleet owners where they operate.
There are over 70 dealers that represent
either UD Trucks, Volvo Trucks, Volvo Bus
and Renault Trucks or a combination of the
brands at sites across South East Africa.
The company is also continuously investing
in the enhancement and expansion of its
dealer network. During 2015, Volvo Group
opened a new state-of-the-art Volvo Trucks
and Renault Trucks dealer in Bloemfontein,
as well as a service point in Harrismith.
“With dealers and branches already present
all along the major routes and trade corri-
dors in southern and eastern Africa, fleet
owners are able to get complete support
from us,” said Christensson. “We are see-
ing a lot of economic growth potential in the
region and we therefore believe that if you
want to increase your market share, your
aftermarket service has to be outstanding.”
During 2016, the company will have de-
tailed focus on efficient and reliable after-
market support, which suit their customers’
operations and specific requirements.
Part of this commitment is extending its
representation across the South East Africa
region in order to efficiently support cus-
tomers where they operate. The company is
in the process of appointing new importers
in Ethiopia, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania and
“We have a dedicated team that look after
the Developing Markets within the region,
providing expert support to the importers in
the various countries,” said Christensson.
“A lot of focus will also be placed on train-
ing and developing these dealers to provide
quality sales and aftermarket support to our
fleet owners.”
He explained that as transport operators ex-
panded their operations throughout the re-
gion, the various Volvo Group brands have to
be there to capture this market demand and
support customers every step of the way.
The company will also introduce new en-
hancements to its current product offering,
including new specifications for the Volvo FH
and FMX ranges. UD Trucks will also launch
a new Heavy Commercial Vehicle range later
on in 2016. The UD Quester range will also
be introduced into Africa from the first quar-
ter this year.
Volvo Group Southern Africa expects 2016
to be another tough year for the local truck
and bus market. The company forecasts
only marginal growth across all segments,
if any, with the various manufacturers vig-
orously competing for the limited new sales
business out there.
Christensson believes the real differentiator
in such a highly competitive market is qual-
ity of the Volvo Group employees.
“I have the privilege to work with some of
the most experienced, skillful and passion-
ate people in the industry,” said Christens-
son. “As a company, we have confidence
in the future of the transport industry in
the region. We have therefore aligned our
strategies, services and products to address
the very unique operating requirements and
conditions of transport operators in the re-
gion. We remain committed to the success
of our customers in South East Africa.”