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Contact Iveco on sales@iveco.co.za for more information
Johannesburg. Mandela Bridge.
Your business needs are unique . That’s why you need a ver satile business par tner that also
offer s reliability, durability and a dedication to perfection that’s unmatched in the field.
The Eurocargo cover s municipal, light haul and retail distribution and is an excellent Fire Tr uck.
Offering the best in driver comfor t, fatigue is drastically reduced improving road safety. Iveco’s
Fiat Power train Technologies contribute to the power of the Tector engine alluding to performance ,
reliability and low operating cost. The Eurocar go is designed to demonstr ate Iveco’s core values:
Commitment. Reliability. Performance . Team Spirit.
V E R S A T I L E . R E L I A B L E . D U R A B L E .