APRIL 1985
Young Lawyers Int erna t ional
Associat ion
The Annual Congress for the Year 1985
will take place
at Lisbon
24th-28th September
The topics for discussion are as follows:—
Legal Protection of Software.
2. The removal of minors from one jurisdiction
to another.
3. The legal status of company directors, their
civil and criminal responsibilities.
4. Free movement of goods within the EEC.
Anyone interested please contact:
Michael Irvine,
Matheson Ormsby & Prentice,
20 Upper Merrion Street,
Dublin 2.
Tel: 760981
Telex: 24333
Members are reminded that the Society maintains
an Employment Register for Solicitors. Those
seeking employment and those Of fices w ith posts to
be filled arc invited to contact The Education
Officer. Mr. Albert Power, The Law Society,
Blackhall Place, Dublin, 7.
New from
Company Law
in the Republic
of Ireland
1985. By the
Hon Mr Justice Ronan Keane
This new book by Judge Keane is likely to
become the standard work on Republic of
Ireland company law. The book is a
narrative guide for solicitors, barristers,
accountants and company secretaries as
well as for students of law.
There has long been a need for a reliable
guide to company law in the Republic.
Although there are many good English
textbooks the differences between the
law in the t wo jurisdictions are numerous
and significant. The author therefore
concentrates in particular on areas where
Irish and English law have diverged since
the Companies Act 1963. In order to make
the text as accessible as possible to the
general reader, lengthy and detailed
discussion of the more abstract topics is
avoided, but the reader is provided wi th
signposts to the places in the classic
English textbooks where he will find more
detailed discussion of particular problems.
Outline of Contents:
Introduction/Formation of the Company/
Corporate Personality of the Company/
Share and Loan Capital/Membership of
the Company/Management and Control
of the Company/Arrangements and
Reconstructions/Winding Up of the
Hard cover 0 406 27290 5
Due September 1985
For further details please contact
Butterworths' Irish Representative:
Finola O'Sullivan, 12 Glenwaverly Court
Park Avenue, Dublin 4.
Telephone (01) 698206
Post orders: Butterworth £r Co (Publishers) Ltd,
Borough Green. Sevenoaks, KentTN158PH.
Tel: 0732884667
% Butterworths