NCYC General
Meeting Minutes
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Hello and thank you for attending this very important meeting tonight.
We've had a wonderful year at North Channel, thanks to the generosity of our members,
Ancient Mariners, First Mates and member participation. Through careful and deliberate
actions from this board, and the afore mentioned generosity and involvement, we have
successfully lowered our debt this year by $49,000.00, over and above our monthly debt
obligations. What a year, WHAT A TEAM!
We brought in 25 new members and 5 junior's, we have a waiting list with four names on it. I
could go on and on...
Tonight we will be presenting the 2014 budget and we look forward to any concerns and or
questions you may have concerning the operation of our fine club.
But, before we go there... We must first recognize a few people who made this year special.
Brendan Romatz began our year by carrying the American Flag to the Color Guard to be raised
in showing our patriotism to our great nation and to announce the opening of NCYC for the
2013 season. Thank you Brendan.
Another shout-out to Steve and Diane Marten for the beautiful Commodore sign. A true work
of art.
I'd like to say thanks: To Greg Brigman for your service to this Club, and for your willing to adapt
and accept a new role this year as our publication director. You did an amazing job. To Kim
Miedema, for filling a vacancy on the Board and jumping in with all her zest and energy and...
Finally... Diane French for her never ending dedication and nine years of service to North
I'd also like to thank Sue Reiss for taking on the Board Recorder duties. Sometimes a difficult
job in ciphering all that is said at our meeting and transposing a lot of banter into recognizable
Thank you Greg and Yvonne and team for being our Fleet Captains: A lot of hard work with
great results. A book commemorating this year's rendezvous' was given to Greg and Yvonne in
appreciation of their hard work.
Thank you Directors for all of your commitment to make a difference here at NCYC. I look
forward to working with you next year.
Thank you to our newly elected directors, Brian Malik, Brent Malik, Frank Corcoran and Randy
Pagel for stepping up to the challenge of guiding our club into the future.
Thank you Chuck Stroh, Rear Commodore 2014 for your continued devotion to North Channel.
Thank you Jill and PC Rick for Kid's Day and the Kid's Campout and for all you two do!