NCYC General
Meeting Minutes
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years. A special thanks to P/C Jim Whyard for his persistence to get me to run that first
time. I started with Publications for 5 years, Activities for one year, then Supplies and
this last year Secretary. I would like to say what a pleasure it has been working with this
Flag and Board this year. I think we should ALL give a SPECIAL thanks to Commodore
Don & Barbara Vanover for making it such a FUN year. If anyone has any thoughts of
running for office, I highly recommend it. You will get so much more out of it than you
can possibly imagine. You only get out of this club what you put into it.
I saw a sign at the Leader Dog for the Blind In Rochester that reads,"Volunteers are
unpaid, not because they are worthless but because they are priceless." So, as my last
act, on behalf of my fellow officers, I would like to make a motion to double the pay
checks of ALL of the officers.
For me, most of you have heard my story, the opportunity to serve on this Board came
at the perfect time in my life. My husband had just passed away and at the same time I
lost my job. Being on this Board gave me my "purpose in life" back. You have no idea
what you have done for me. And for that , I can't thank you enough.
Supplies – Hugh Vestal
I'm sure you don't want to hear how many bottles you drank this year. It was a lot!
End of report. Looking forward to serving you next year.
Transportation – Pat Carroll
It was a great year, and I want to thank everyone who helped me. End of report.
Fleet Captain – Greg & Yvonne Murray
It was a great year. Thanks to everyone who came to the rendezvous' and helped
out. Thanks to Commodore Don and Barb for everything. Please support Ian and
Marie as your Fleet for next year.
Topic #1 -
Forward Planning Committee:
A copy of the Forward Planning
Committee report was distributed. RC Brian McEvoy reviewed the 5 and 10 year plan as
submitted by the Committee. The committee members are Commodore Don Vanover,
Ed Romatz, Ron Kemp, Don Ruma, Jeff Edgerly, Kevin Verkest and Ron Latowski.
Moved by Leslie Leitch to accept the Forward Planning Committee report.
Seconded by Bob Swan.
Motion Carried.