NCYC General
Meeting Minutes
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Our own PC Rick Romatz will be Rear Commodore of the ABYA this coming year. PC Rick and Jill
will be hosting the annual ABYA Spring rendezvous that will be held in Midland on March 7,8 &
9 2014. The theme next year will be 'Horse Racing'. The ABYA Dinner Dance will be held on
December 5, 2013 at The Enchantment Hall. The tickets are $67.50 per ticket. Please see me
after the meeting if you want tickets. The next meeting will be at Huron Pointe on January 6.
This will be a 'Meet the Candidates' meeting.
Activities – Kim Miedema
It was a great year this year. We had a lot of fun.
Club House – Rich Goodman
It was a great summer. I hope the clubhouse met your satisfaction. The shower doors
are finally installed in the managers apartment. Thanks to the membership for all of
your help this year. I am looking forward to another year.
Harbor & Grounds – Don Reiss
No report
Membership – Bob Carnaghi
We have 4 people on the waiting list. We brought in a lot of people this year, but we
must keep the membership drive going. Looking forward to another great summer at
Publications – Greg Brigman
Thanks to the membership, I appreciate all of the support I received this year. Thanks to
Commodore Don for a great year. Five years ago I started on the board as the Board
Recorder. I have seen a lot of conversations, arguing and debates at the meetings in the
past, but this year there were no fights or arguing. This was a great board this year.
Secretary – Diane French
I know we have a lot to cover tonight, so I promise to keep this short. Because this is
the LAST time I will have the opportunity to speak to this membership as a Board of
Director, I just want to say THANK YOU for those who have supported me the last nine