This drink can either be made in summer or winter;
if iu the former season, mix in one tablespoonfu of water,
and cool with shaved ice; if in the latter, fill up the
tumbler with boiling water. Grate a little nutmeg on top.
200. Peach and Honey
(Use small bar glass)
I tablespoonful of honey.
I wine-glass of peach brandy.
Stir with a spoon.
20 I. John Collins
(Use large bar glass )
I wine-glass gin.
4 or 5 small bits of ice.
1 bottle plain soda.
202. Tom Collins
Are concocted same as the John Collins, using whiskey
instead of gi n.
203. Gin Fizz
(Use large bar glass )
3 dashes of lemon.
1 tablespoon£ul sugar.
1 glass of gin.
Fill glass with ice, shake well; strain in bar glass and
fill with seltzer.
204. Silver Fiz
This is made the same as the gin fiz, adding the white
of 1 egg.