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Registered land. Costs of purchase of life


AB the tenant in remainder of registered land

purchased the life interest of his mother CD for

the sum of


He was then registered as full

owner subject to equities and members enquired

whether the commission scale fee is applicable.

In a report from a committee it was stated that a

life interest in freehold registered land appears to be

property within the meaning of schedule i part i,

S.R.G.O., 1884 and rule 2 (i) of the Land Registra

tion Rules, 1959 and that accordingly a solicitor who,

on the instructions of the purchaser, investigates the

title of the vender of a life interest in freehold

registered land and completes the purchase, carrying

out the work specified in the general order would

appear to be entitled to charge the appropriate

commission under part VII of the Land Registration

Rules, 1959. The report is subject to confirmation.

Road Traffic Act.

Costs of defending


The Council considered a report from a committee


correspondence between members



insurance company with reference to the recom

mended minimum charge of £5 55. od. for defending

proceedings under the Road Traffic Act on the

instructions of an insurance company. The company

undertook responsibility for members' fees but on

submission of the bill stated that they could not

accept the scale recommended by the Society.


was decided to take the matter up with the institute

or association of which the insurance company is

a member.

Change of solicitors. Apportionment of costs

AB took over the conduct of a case from CD and

on completion taxed a party and party bill against

the other side. The costs so taxed included the

costs in respect of the work done by CD.


whole amount of the party and party bill so taxed

was received by AB as solicitor for the plaintiff.

The solicitor and client costs due by the plaintiff to

AB in respect of the proceedings exceeded the

amount of the party and party costs for the work

included in the bill and the Council were asked for

their opinion as to whether


AB as solicitor

acting for the plaintiff on the notice of change of

solicitor and receiving the party and party costs

for the entire action is entitled to a lien on the costs

as money recovered for the plaintiff as a first charge

irrespective of any claim by the first solicitor on


(&) Whether as a matter of professional

etiquette apart from the question of lien a solicitor


the entire bill

in such circumstances

should claim a first charge postponing the claim of

the first solicitor on the part of the bill relating to

the work done by the latter. A committee which

considered the facts reported under question


that AB should pay to CD the amount of the taxed

costs in the bill appropriate to CD's work. The

report is subject to confirmation.

Solicitor holding publican's licence

A member agreed to purchase premises in a

country town to which a six day liquor licence was

attached for the purpose of office premises.


proposed to sell the licence and asked the opinion of

the Council whether he would be entitled to take it

into his own name for the purpose of disposing of it.

The publican's business will not be conducted in the

premises after the completion of sale to member. The

Council on a report from a committee stated that

there was no professional objection to members

obtaining a transfer of the liquor licence for the

purpose of disposing of it as soon as possible.

Insurance agency in conjunction with

solicitor's practice

A member enquired whether he would be entitled

to circularise his clients to inform them that he

carries on an insurance agency in conjunction with

his practice. The Council stated that such a circular

would be open to objection.


A dinner dance for members and their friends will

be held in the Shelbourne Rooms on Thursday,

November 24th, the date of the ordinary general

meeting. Further particulars will be published in

the Society's GAZETTE. Applications from members

will be dealt with in order of receipt. Members may

apply for tickets for themselves and their friends,

price £i 55. od., to include dinner and dance.



A meeting of the Council was held on Wednesday,

6th July, 1960. The Sub-committee dealing with the

drafting of a standard form of Auction Particulars

and Conditions of Sale reported progress.

The President reported on the meeting between

representatives of the Association and of the Belfast

Solicitors' Association.

It was decided to request the Law Society to

reconsider the question of an alteration in the

period of the long vacation. The meeting noted