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Validity — Power to make Adoption Order

dependent upon consent of child's mother —

Adoption Board having statutory obligation

to satisfy itself that mother understands the

nature and effect of her consent —Consent

revocable until Adoption Order is made —

Mother not informed that consent revocable

and not given notice of meeting of Board at

which Adoption Order made — Marriage of

mother and father of child after Adoption

Order was made by Board — Whether

statutory requirements obligatory or

directory — Adoption order declared a nullity

- Adoption Act, 1952, ss. 14 (6), 15 (3) -

164/74 - Supreme Court - 2/6/76.

M. v. An Bord Uchtála.



High Court jurisdiction — Jurisdiction

apparently dependent upon appropriate rules

of court — Rules not made — Jurisdiction not

excluded — Application of existing High

Court rules to create procedure similar to

procedure prescribed in statute —Claim for

maintenance in excess of District Court

jurisdiction — (212/75 — Supreme Court -







Knowledge — Agent's knowledge imputed to

principal normally — Otherwise where agent

involved in fraud or misfeasance against his

principal — (97/75 — Supreme Court —


United Dominions Trust (It.) Ltd.



Car Hire Vans Ltd.



Contract — Sale of land — Purchase by

tenant of landlord's interest — Purchase price

not ascertained —Provision that price to be

the number of years purchase of rent that

would be fixed under Landlord & Tenant

(Ground Rents) Acts, 1967, if rent reserved

were a ground rent within meaning of that

Act — Price of ground rent under Act of

1967 ascertained by county registrar —

Registrar declining to perform function

sought to be imposed on him by tenant — No

agreement between parties to refer

differences to arbitrator — Contract not

specifying person to fix price — No

arbitration agreement within meaning of s. 2

of Arbitration Act, 1954 - No power in

court to appoint arbitrator — (1973 No.

236IP - Hamilton J. - 18/6/76).

Carr v. Phelan.



Unlawful use of puffer — Reserve withdrawn

- (1974 No. 983P. - Hamilton J. -


Early v. Fallon.



Fraudulent preference — Whether

company's intention was to prefer mortgagee

to other creditors — Intention not established

- Mortgage registered within one month of

liquidation - (1976 No. 118 Sp. -

McWilliam J. - 8/9/76).

Corran Construction Ltd. v. Bank of Ireland

Finance Ltd.



Beneficial ownership — Bankrupt the

registered owner of 19,000 shares in

company — Admission during examination

that 7,600 shares belonged to third party —

Evidence establishing beneficial ownership of

those shares not in bankrupt — (No. 1633 —

Hamilton J. - 7/5/76).

In re O'Keeffe.


District Court

Jurisdiction — Extradition — Corresponding

offence — Question of mixed fact and law —

District Justice having power to state Case —

(111/1973 - Supreme Court - 22/7/76).

Murphy v. Bayllss.



Validity — Inaccurate particulars of

mortgage delivered to registrar of companies

after expiration of statutory time limit —

Statute declaring that charge on company's

property to be void in that event — Registrar

giving certificate of due registration —

Statute also stating that such certificate to be

conclusive evidence of due registration of

charge — Liquidator of company bound by

statutory effect of registrar's certificate —

Companies Act, 1963, ss. 99, 104 - (1976

No. 37 Sp. - Hamilton J. - 10/12/76).

Lombard A Ulster Banking (Ir.) Ltd.


Amurec Ltd. (in Liquidation).


Fraudulent preference — Whether

company's intention was to prefer mortgagee

to other creditors — Intention not established

—Mortgage registered within one month of

liquidation - (1976 No. 118 Sp. -

McWilliam J. - 8/9/76).

Corran Construction Ltd. v. Bank of Ireland

Finance Ltd.

Winding up

Constitution — Articles and memorandum —

Assets for distribution are not profits —

Whether company precluded by its

constitution from distributing profits among

its members - (1974 No. 28 - Kenny J. -




Dunnes Stores (Cork) Ltd.

Winding up

Secured creditor — Bank loan to company on

strength of existing contract by company to

sell its lands and business as a going concern

— Company undertaking to repay loan out of

purchase price —Subsequent order winding

up company — Whether bank having

equitable charge on purchase money —

Whether bank having a charge on book debt

requiring registration under Companies Act,

1963 - ( 1 9 7 4 No. 175 IP — McWilliam J. —

1/6 and 21/7/76).

In re Kum Tong Restaurant (Dublin) Ltd.



Assessment — Value of land at date of notice

to treat — Two notices to treat — First notice

served before compulsory purchase order

became operative —Arbitrator appointed on

application of acquiring authority —

Statutory power of authority to serve notice

after order became operative — Whether

landowner had altered his position as a result

of service at first notice — Whether authority

had adopted first notice by appointment of

arbitrator —Value of land at date of second

notice proper basis for assessment — Service

of first notice ultra vires acquiring authority

- No estoppel in face of statute —Housing

Act, 1966 s. 79 - (1976 No. 143 SS -

McMahon J. - 24/6/76).

Greendale Building Co. v. Dublin County




Reference of Bill to Supreme Court — Bill

expressed to be for purpose of securing public

safety and the preservation of the State —

Time of armed conflict in which State not a

participant — Resolutions of Houses of

Oireachtas as to existence of national

emergency — Constitution of Ireland, Articles

26, 28. 3(3) - (Supreme Court - 15/10/76).

Emergency Powers Bill, 1976.


Reference of Bill to Supreme Court —

Presumption of constitutionality — Extra-

territorial effect of enactment — Special

Cryninal Court — Evidence on commission —

Right of representation includes right to

cross-examine —Admissibility of evidence —

Accused entitled to statement of evidence

(Supreme Court - 6/5/76).

In re Criminal Law (Jurisdiction) Bill, 1975.

Personal rights

Bodily integrity — Prisoner's state of mind

disturbed — Self-inflicted injuries — Stringent

conditions of detention — Right not infringed

- (1975 No. 140 SS. - Finlay P. - 13/4/76).

The State (Crawley) v. Governor of Mountfoy


Personal rights

Liberty — Detention of suspect beyond period

allowed — Detention prolonged to enable

suspect to complete statement — Detention

unlawful - (5-8/76 - C.C.A. - 16/11/76).

The People (D.P.P.) v. Madden A Ors.

Prison Governor

Prison discipline — Breach of discipline by

prisoner serving sentence — Punishment

imposed by Prison Governor in accordance

with regulations — Governor exercising

limited function and power of a judical nature

in a matter other than a criminal matter —

Punishment not unconstitutional —

Constitution of Ireland, Article 37 - (1975

No. 613 SS - High Court - 21/1/76).

The State (Murray) v. Governor of Limerick



Validity - Delegated legislation - Statutory

instrument — Price control — Sale of

intoxicating liquor — Whether principles of

natural justice applicable to exercise of

legislative power — Point not decided as

instrument not made arbitrarily or

capriciously (1974 No. 1146P - McMahon J.

- 28/6/76).



Minister for Industry and



Validity —Delegated legislation —Power of

statutory body to select class of employers

and to impose levy on each employer in that

class — Levy to be used for training

apprentices —Statutory instrument enabling

body to impose levy based on an estimate in

event of employer failing to make required

returns — Whether instrument

ultra vires


statute conferring the power — Industrial

Training Levy (Printing and Paper Industry)