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fishing or an attempt to fish - (1976 No. 220

SS - Finlay P. - 27/7/76).

The State (Neculai) v. McCourt.


Transfer to mental hospital — Whether

original offence excused by state of mind —

(59/1976 - Supreme Court - 14/10/76).

The State (Heany) v. Central




Enquiry as to age — Child or young person

charged with offence — Procedure governed

by age of accused — Statute giving

jurisdiction to court even if it was mislead by

answer given to enquiry — Statute not

applicable where answer to enquiry not given

on oath — Section 123 of Children's Act,

1908 - (1976 No. 133 SS - Finlay P. -


The State (Kenny) v. Ó hUadhalgh.


Sentence — Child or young person —

Imprisonment prohibited unless court certifies

that accused of unruly or depraved character

so as not to be suitable for detention in place

provided by Children's Act, 1908 — Charge

and conviction for assault — Evidence

adduced in support of charge not sufficient or

appropriate to ground certificate — Enquiry

required into general character of accused

before certificate can be given — (1976 No.

207 SS - Hamilton J. - 29/7/76).

The State (Holland) v. Kennedy.


Selection of panel — Conviction after trial

before judge and jury — Leave to appeal

refused —Habeas corpus proceedings raising

issue of validity of conviction on ground that

provisions of Juries Act, 1927, declared

unconstitutional by Supreme Court in other

proceedings during trial of accused —

Members of jury all qualified and no

objection by applicant at trial to method of

selecting jury panel —Conviction valid and

habeas corpus refused - (1976 No. 197 SS -

High Court - 12/7/76).

The People (Byrne) v. Governor of Mountfoy


Legal Advice

Detainee — Suspect being questioned in police

station — Right to legal advice —

Procurement of such advice — (1976 No. 439

SS - Finlay P. 14/12/76).

The State (Harrington) v. Commissioner of

Garda Síochána.

Legal Aid

Failure — Accused granted certificate for free

legal aid — Conviction after trial at which

accused not represented — Conviction set

aside — Duty of court to inform accused of

his right to apply for legal aid — (141, 143,

144/75 - Supreme Court - 22/7/76).

The State (Foran A Healy) v. O'Reilly.

Legal Aid

Police — Interrogation of suspect — Police not

obliged to obtain legal assistance for suspect

in absence of request - (5-8/1976 - C.C.A.

- 16/11/76).

The People (DPP.) v. Madden A Ors.


Capital murder — Joint trial of husband and

wife — Armed robbery —Accused escaping

after robbery — Accused chased by


policeman in civilian clothes — Policeman

shot dead by female accused — Ample

evidence that deceased was acting in the

course of duty suspecting the commission of a

felony —Ample evidence of common design

to resist arrest by force of arms — No rule of

law prohibiting trial of other offences at trial

for murder — No mistrial on ground that

member of Special Criminal Court had

adjudicated at trial of accused for criminal

offence on previous occasion — Wife's

defence that she acted under coercion of

husband not applicable to charge of murder —

Not necessary for accused to be in court

when sentence pronounced as proceedings

relayed to accused — Accused failing to avail

of chance to address court on sentence —

Capital murder not a new offence but a

statutory retention of an old offence and its

punishment — Leave to appeal to Supreme

Court on point of law - (1976 Nos. 20 & 21

- Court of Criminal Appeal - 29/7/76).

The People


.) v. Murray.


Capital murder —Whether a new offence —

Mens rea — Whether prosecution must prove

that accused knew that deceased was a

policeman acting in the course of his duty —

Criminal Justice Act, 1964, s.l - (137-

8/1976 - Supreme Court - 9/12/76).

The People (DPP.) v. Murray.


Planning permission — Change of user —

Permission granted for use as "fried fish and

chip shop" — Condition imposed that user

should not occur between

11 p.m.

and 8 a.m. — Permission not required for use

as chip shop — Prosecution for alleged user

outside authorised hours in contravention of

permission — Evidence that witnesses bought

"fish and chips" — No evidence that fish was

fried fish — Case stated by District Justice -

Held that no satisfactory evidence that shop

used as fried fish shop — However, imposition

of condition in regard to hours of use as chip

shop was a valid imposition or condition in

granting permission for use as fried fish

shop notwithstanding permission for use as

chip shop not required — Further, the

ordinary meaning of "chip" was "a fried slice

of potato" and so there had been evidence to

support a conviction in regard to user as chip

shop - (1976 No. 36 SS - Finlay P. -


Corporation of Dublin v. Raso.


Proof — Control of foot and mouth disease —

Failure to comply with Prohibition Notice

served on defendant by veterinary inspector

- Notice prohibiting defendant from entering

upon specified lands — Notice authorised if

inspector "has reason to believe" that the

movement of any person may be attended

with risk of spread of disease — Conviction in

District Court without evidence of inspector

- Appeal to Circuit Court - Case stated -

Necessary for prosecution to prove that

inspector had reason to believe and believed

the relevant matters — Appeal Court still

having discretion to admit missing evidence

being a procedural matter — Foot and Mouth

Disease Order, 1956, Article 19 - (113/

1974 - Supreme Court - 5/4/76).

The Attorney General (Corbett) v. Hajford.


Interrogation —Suspect required to give full

account of his movements — Whether any

power to require repetition of full account

given — Offences Against the State Act,

1939, s. 52 - (5-8/1976 - C.C.A. -


The People (D.P.P.)


Madden A Ors.


District Court - Plea of guilty - Indictable

offence — Court empowered to send accused

forward for sentence to the court to which

accused, if he had pleaded not guilty, could

lawfully "have been sent forward for trial" —

Certificate of Attorney General issued under

s. 46(1) of Act of 1939 - Accused sent

forward properly for sentence under Act of

1967 to Special Criminal Court - Habeas

corpus — Offences against the State Act,

1939, s. 13 (2) (b) - (1976 No. 26 SS -

Butler J. 16/2/76).

The People (A.G.) v. Littlgjohn.


District Court — Plea of guilty — Indictable

offence — Court empowered to send accused

forward for sentence to the court to which

accused, if he had pleaded not guilty, could

lawfully "have been sent forward for trial" —

Certificate of Attorney General issued under

s. 46 (1) of Act of 1939 - Certificate valid -

Accused sent forward properly for sentence

under Act of 1967 to Special Criminal Court

— Habeas corpus — Offences against the

State Act, 1939, s. 46 (1) - Criminal

Procedure Act, 1967, s. 13 (2) (b) - (19/74

& 25/76 - Supreme Court - 18/3/76).

The State (Littlejohn)

v. Governor of

Mountfoy Prison.


Authority to initiate — Summary charges

brought by police in the name of The People

and at the suit of the Director of Public

Prosecutions — No authority to prosecute

given by D.P.P. —District Justice having no

power to determine charges — (1976 No. 58

SS - McMahon J. - 10/12/76).

The People (DPT.)



Road Traffic

Alcohol test — Blood sample — Statutory

procedure mandatory —Certificate of result

of test not stating that certain requirements

satisfied — Onus on prosecution to prove

aliunde omitted matters — Failure of proof —

Adjournment refused — Complaint dismissed

— Decision upheld - (103/75 — Supreme

Court - 29/7/76).

Verdon v. Dowries.

Road Traffic

Caution — Failure to provide blood specimen

— Statutory defence if defendant shows that

he has not been cautioned in the prescribed

manner of "the possible effects of his refusal

or failure" — Defendant cautioned in

accordance with regulations — Caution

informing defendant that he would be liable to

be prosecuted for an offence under s. 30 of

Act of 1968 — Defendant prosecuted and

convicted under that section — Caution failing

to inform defendant that on conviction he

would be disqualified from holding driving

licence for minimum period of one year —

"Possible effects" not equivalent of "possible

consequences" — Conviction valid —

Attorney General



107 I.L.T.R. 112

overruled - Case stated - (33/1976 -

Supreme Court 8/4/76).

Grogan v. Byrne.

Road Traffic

Insurance — Complaint that defendant was