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Contempt of Court — Civil contempt — Jury

not required for trial of issue —

The State

(Commins) v. Fawsitt

approved - (59/1976

- Supreme Court - 14/10/76).

The State (Heany)


Central Mental



Contempt of Court — civil contempt —

Whether issue may be tried without a jury —

Order of the Court in a civil action disobeyed

by one of the parties —Verdict of jury not

required (

McEnroe v. Leonard

9/12/75 not

applied) — Sentence may be of indefinite

duration — Constitution of Ireland, Article

38, s. 5 - (1976 Nos. 64 & 65 SS. - Finlay

P. - 19/3/76).

The State (Commins) v. Fawsitt.


Contempt of Court —Criminal contempt —

Bias imputed to judges of Special Criminal

Court —False representation about evidence

tendered against accused at criminal trial —

Conditional order of attachment against

editor of publication —Conditional order of

sequestration against body corporate which

published the contempt - (121/1976 -

Supreme Court - 14/7/76).

The State (D.P.P.) v. Hibernia National

Review Ltd.


Taxation - Counsel's fees - Principles stated

by Gannon J. in




(1974 I.R.

180) applied (1972 No. 1470P - Parke J. -


Irish Trust Bank Ltd.


Central Bank of



Affiliation — High Court jurisdiction —

Jurisdiction apparently dependent upon

existence of appropriate rules of court —

Rules not made — Jurisdiction not excluded —

Application of existing High Court rules to

create procedure similar to procedure

prescribed by statute — Claim for

maintenance in excess of District Court

jurisdiction - (212/75 - Supreme Court -


O. v. W.

Time Limit

Extension —


Landlord and Tenant.



Enforcement — Whether a criminal matter -

Limited function of a judicial nature —

C o n s t i t u t i on — P u n i s hme nt not

unconstitutional - (1975 No. 613 SS. -

High Court - 21/1/76).

The State (Murray)


Governor of Limerick




Valuation - Increase in value — Statutory

exclusion from liability to rates arising from

consequential increase in value of

hereditament due to specified works -

Valuation (Ir.) Act, 1852, s. 14 - (Gannon J.

- 21/12/76).

Nixon r. Commissioner of Valuation.



Support Terrace of houses — Demolition of

business premises by negligent removal of

support from plaintiffs house during

rebuilding of adjoining house - Measure of

damages to be the cost of rebuilding plaintiffs

house as distinct from market value of

destroyed house - (1975 No. 3504P -

Finlay P. - 30/7/76).

Munnelly v. Calcon Ltd.


Building erected — Trespasser acting in belief

that building site belonged to him —Owner

having no knowledge until building completed

in eighth year of ownership — Lack of

attention by owner to his property and failure

to fence plot from surrounding land —

Trespasser having means of knowledge that

he was trespassing — Uqjust enrichment —

Ejectment — Order made for possession with

stay to enable defendant to pay value of site

and damages - Stay to be perpetual if

payment made - (1974 No. 2597P - Finlay

P. - 28/7/76).



Kerry Co. Council.



Constitution — Distribution of profits —

Company not liable for Corporation Profits

Tax if a "corporate body which by its

constitution is precluded from distributing

any profits among its members" — Company

so precluded by its articles of association —

Revenue claim that provisions in company's

Articles relating to the winding up of die

company allowed a distribution of profits to

its members — Both claims rejected —

Finance Act, 1932, s. 47 - (1974 No. 28 -

Kenny J. 22/1/76).

Wilson v. Dunnes Stores (Cork) Ltd.

Income Tax

Forestry — Allowable expenses — Cost of

purchasing and planting young trees to

replace old woodland being a revenue expense

and allowable — Cost of preparing waste land

for planting being a capital expense — Cost of

purchasing and planting young trees on

reclaimed waste land being a capital expense

— Income Tax Act, 1918, Sch. B, rr. 5 & 7 -

(38/1976 - Supreme Court - 20/12/76).




Income Tax

Occupier of land — Schedule B —Whether

taxpayer had the use of land — Taxpayer

cultivating, cutting and removing grass from

military aerodrome under licence of Minister

in whom aerodrome was vested —Whether

Act contemplated two users of same land —

Taxpayer not the dominant user and not

assessable under Schedule B — Income Tax

Act, 1967, s. 18 - (13/1975 - Supreme

Court - 20/12/76).



George Shackleton A Sons Ltd.



Failure —Defendant seller not the owner of

goods — Property not vested in plaintiff buyer

—Buyer claiming recovery of price of goods

— Quasi contract — Seller handing over price

to owner of goods who became hirer under

sham hire-purchase agreement with buyer as

a device for obtaining a loan — Plaintiff

having no knowledge of true facts - Agency

— Agent's knowledge of fraud or misfeasance

against his principal not imputed to principal

— (97/1975 - Supreme Court - 19/3/76).

United Dominions Trust (Ir.) Ltd. v. Shannon

Care Hire Vans Ltd.



Breach - Discharge —Recission — Sale of

licensed premises with intoxicating liquor

licence as going concern —No express term

stipulating that date fixed by contract for

completion to be of essence of contract —

Normally such term implied by law in

contracts for sale of such premises —

Existence of express term relating to interest

on purchase money after completion date and

conduct of parties excluding implication of

such term — Consequently term implied by

law that sale (if not completed on or before)

should be completed within reasonable period

after completion date — Deliberate delay by

purchaser who tried to provide purchase

money by sale of other property in order to

avoid necessity of obtaining bridging loan

otherwise required to enable him to complete

— Vendor not informed of reason for

purchaser's delay — No conveyancing or title

difficulties — After expiration of 3 months

demand by vendor that purchaser complete

within 14 days —Failure of purchaser to so

complete — Rescission (and return of deposit)

by vendor — Plaintiff purchaser's claim for

specific performance — Judgment for

defendant — Purchaser in breach of implied

term to complete within reasonable period

after completion date — (Circuit Appeal —

Finlay P. - 31/5/76).



Seaview Enterprises Ltd.


Formation — Agreement "subject to

contract" — Facts supporting inference that

parties had concluded a contract to buy and

sell property —Phrase used to indicate that

provisions of existing agreement should be

recorded in formal written document —

Execution of formal contract by vendor not a

condition precedent to his liability — (1976

No. 377P - McWilliam J. - 3/11/76).

O'Fiaherty v. Arvan Properties Ltd.


Formation — Knowledge of terms —Foreign

purchaser unable to speak English — No

independent advice — Contract prepared and

deposit taken by helpful estate agent —

Express term that deposit ( | of £72,500) to

be forfeited in event of purchaser failing to

complete — Purchaser signing memorandum

of contract — Purchaser having no knowledge

of express term or nature of a deposit —

Purchaser failing to complete — Plaintiff

purchaser recovering deposit with accrued

interest - (1975 No. 748P - Finlay P. -


Siebel v. Kent.


Recission — Licensed premises — Defendant

vendor misrepresenting amount of current

turnover of business —Misrepresentation an

inducement to contract — Plaintiff entitled to

rescind — Sale also invalidated by unlawful

use of puffer at auction contrary to Sale of

Land by Auction Act, 1867 - (1974 No.

983P - Hamilton J. - 27/1/76).





Specific performance — Damages in addition

— Breach by defendant of contract to build

house for plaintiff — Plaintiff's action

compromised — Compromise including sale

of defective house by plaintiff to defendant —

Failure of defendant to implement

compromise —Specific performance ordered

— Damages awarded to plaintiff for loss of

bargain in purchase of other property because

of defendant's failure to pay purchase price —

Damages awarded for discomfort and

inconvenience suffered by plaintiff — (1975

No. 4344P - McWilliam J. - 22/6/76).



Quality Homes.