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Order, 1972 (S.I. No. 305) - Industrial

Training Act, 1967, s. 21 - (1974 No. 3902P

- McMahon J. - 28/5/76).

City View Press Ltd. v. An Comhairle

Oiliúnta (Training Board).



Criminal contempt — Scandalising court —

Custody proceedings - Custody of infants

contested between parents - Proceedings

heard in camera — Names of infants and

photographs revealed in biased article by

journalist who also attacked competence and

integrity of court — Apology — Fine imposed

with imprisonment in default - (142/75 -

Supreme Court - 7/7/76).

In re McCann & Kennedy.



Damages - Building contract - New

dwelling — No express standards — Proper

workmanlike standards implied — Cost of

remedial work - Cost fixed upon prices

existing at date of first reasonable opportunity

to remedy breaches - Damages for owner's

inconvenience and lack of enjoyment — (1974

No. 1987P - McMahon J. - 19/5/76).

Johnson v. Longleat Properties.


Liability - Building contract - Sub contract

- Employer nominating sub-contractor to

erect roof of factory in accordance with sub-

contractor's design - Roof defective -

Damage resulting from faulty design and

poor materials - Contractor liable generally

for defective workmanship and materials of

sub-contractor — Contractor not liable for

damage resulting from faulty design of sub-

contractor — Measure of damages

recoverable — Cost of remedial work — Cost

fixed upon prices existing at date of first

reasonable opportunity to remedy defect —

(1976 No. 101 SS - McMahon J. - 3/6/76).

Norta Wallpapers (Ir.) Ltd.,


John Sisk A

Son (Dublin) Ltd.


Breach - Settlement of action for breach of

building contract — Failure of defendant to

implement settlement —Cause of action for

breach of compromise — (1975 No. 4344P -

McWilliam J. - 22/6/76.

Murphy v. Quality Homes.


Implied term — Appointment of doctor to

private hospital — Hospital financed and

managed under charitable trusts of will -

Appointment permanent unless terminated by

governors if insufficient funds available to

enable hospital to continue in operation or

unless "it should have to close down for any

other reason" - Hospital ceasing as private

hospital - Termination of appointment valid

as term implied that power to terminate

operable upon hospital ceasing to operate

under management and control of governors

and trustees of the charity - (1964 No. 4 Sp.

- Gannon J. - 9/7/76)





Terms - Knowledge of terms - Foreigner

signing agreement without knowledge of

existence of important express term and

without appreciation of the function of a

deposit in a sale of land - Whether foreigner

bound by agreement - Plaintiff foreigner

recovering deposit - (1975 No. 748P -

Finlay P. - 1/6/76).





Terms — Price — No price fixed by parties —

Provision in agreement that price to be fixed

as if circumstances suitable for application of

machinery of named statute — No person

designated to fix price — Official having

power for purposes of statute but refusing to

fix price for other purposes —Court having

no function to nominate person to ascertain

price — No concluded agreement — (1973

No. 236IP —Hamilton J. - 18/6/76).




Implied Term

Agency — Plaintiff sole distributing agent for

defendant's goods - Implied term that

plaintiff would not deal in goods of

defendant's competitors — Termination of

agency — Implied term that agency

terminable by reasonable notice of

termination - (1974 No. 3565P - Finlay P.

- 8/10/76).

Irish Welding Ltd.


Philips Electrical (Ir.).

Implied Term

Set off — Implied exclusion of common law

right of set off by provisions of building

contract which were inconsistent with

exercise of that right - (1976 No. 1124 -

Finlay P. - 15/11/76).

John Sisk A Sons Ltd. V. Lawter Products



Contract by defendant Building Society to

lend plaintiff money in return for mortgage of

plaintiff's lands — Express power of defendant

to rescind unilaterally before completion of

mortgage — Additional term insisted upon by

defendant that plaintiff should procure from

third parties substantial investments in

defendant Society — Investments procured by

plaintiff — Subsequent rescission by

defendant of contract to lend — Rescission not

valid as plaintiff had altered his position —

Contract to lend money not enforceable

specificially — Assessment of plaintiffs

damages to await further evidence — (1974

No. 230P - Finlay P. - 4/3/76).

Duggan v. Allied Irish Building Society.


Set off — Interim certificate issued to

contractor by architect in course of

performance of building contract — Failure of

employer to pay sum certified — Contractor's

motion for summary judgment — Employer

claiming right to set off unproved and

unquantified counterclaims — Common law

right of set-off insconsistent with terms of

building contract — Contractor entitled to

summary judgment for amount certified —

(1976 No. 1124. - Finlay P. - 15/11/76).

John Sisk A Son Ltd. p. Lawter Products




Remand — Jurisdiction — Return for trial —

Return to Central Criminal Court —

Adjournment and remand of accused in

custody — Orders made before arraignment —

Court having jurisdiction to make such orders

- Habeas Corpus refused - (1976 No. 230

SS - McWilliam J. - 27/8/76).

The State (Pender)


Governor of Mountjoy



Court of Criminal Appeal — Function —

Findings of fact and inferences therefrom

made by court of trial — Treatment of such

findings and inferences by court of appeal —

The S.S. Gairloch

(1899) 2 I.R. 1 applied -

(5-8/1976 - C.C.A. - 16/11/76).

The People (DJ*J*.) v. Madden A Ors.


Assault at common law charged —Trial —

Whether charge triable summarily - No

offence created by s.42 of Offences Against

the Person Act, 1861 - Section 11 of

Criminal Justice Act, 1951 - Summary trial

authorised - (1976 No. 365 SS - Finlay P. -


The Attorney General (O'Connor)




Treatment of detainee — Conduct of police

enquiry - Whether ill-treatment would

invalidate lawfulness of detention - (1976

No. 439 SS - Finlay P. - 14/12/76).

The State (Harrington)


Commissioner of

Garda Síochána.


Admissibility — Statement of suspect in

detention —Statement made after expiration

of 48 hours of lawful detention —Statement

inadmissible - (5-8/1976 - C.C.A. -


The People (DJ>J>.)


Madden A Ors.


Corresponding offence — Foreign warrant —

Warrant reciting charge of offence contrary

to s. 7 of Forgery Act, 1913 - Enactment also

in force in Ireland — Description of offence in

warrant omitting "with intent to defraud" -

Omission of phrase not fatal as obvious that

offence under s. 7 of Act of 1913 was charged

- (86/75 - Supreme Court - 5/7/76).





Corresponding offence — Question of mixed

fact and law — District Justice having power

to state Case — (111/76 — Supreme Court —


Murphy v. Bayliss.


Foreign warrant - Validity of warrant

presumed "unless the Court sees good reason

to the contrary" - Order of District Court for

delivery of accused to foreign police for

conveyance outside the State - Accused

applying for habeas corpus in High Court —

Application for leave to adduce evidence of

foreign law to extablish that foreign court

issued warrant without jurisdiction -

Application refused wrongfully - Extradition

Act, 1965, s. 55 - (124/75 - Supreme Court

- 1/6/76).



The Attorney General.


Foreign vessel - Entry within fishery limits -

Master of foreign sea-fishing boat - Charge

that boat entered unlawfully within the

exclusive fishery limits of the State contrary

to s. 221 of Fisheries Act, 1959 - Charge

containing additional statement that person

on board boat attempted to fish - Statement

inserted because penalty for conviction

affected by facts in statement if proved -

Conviction in terms of charge — Conviction

valid - Section creating one offence only -

Penalty increased if offence accompanied by