APRIL 1986
spent on mediation and, as a corrollary, whether
mediation should be discontinued or not.
The Service will have a distinct advantage for
solicitors. By early referral of a case to the Service, a
solicitor might save an enormous amount of time,
personal stress and effort. At the moment a solicitor is
expected to be a confessor, a psychiatrist, a
psychologist, a healer and resolver as well as an
interpreter of law and an administrator of the legal
system. All these quasi-messianic functions, save the
legal function, will be part of the mediators' skills or
attributes. All the research and comparative studies,
(the most scientific of which are Canadian) show that a
mediation service:
(a) can help avoid unnecessary litigation;
(b) Can better prepare the parties to understand the
issues to be resolved; and
(c) can reduce the parties' emotional turmoil.
The sources of referral expected by the Mediation
Service will be:
self referral;
(ii) the Legal Aid Board;
(iii) solicitors in private practice;
(iv) other professionals, counselling agencies and
social service agencies.
The work of the Service will be evaluated
monitoring conclusions will be submitted to the Depart-
ment of Justice at the end of the pilot three year period.
It is likely that the Service will become a statutory one
after that time.
The service will be up and going by the end of June
1986 for the benefit of the public and profession. It will
be well advertised at that time. Solicitors, particularly,
are asked to recommend and support it.
* James F. O'Higgins is Chairman of (he Steering Committee and
Pilot Scheme for Family Mediation.
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Submission of Articles
The Editorial Board welcomes the submission of
articles for consideration with a view to publication. In
general, the most acceptable length of articles for the
is 3,000-4,000 words. However, shorter contri-
butions will be welcomed and longer ones may be con-
sidered for publication. MSS should be typewritten on
one side of the paper only, double spaced with wide
margins. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and
numbered consecutively throughout the text with super-
script arabic numerals. Cases and statutes should be
cited accurately and in the correct format.
Contributions should be sent to:
Executive Editor,
Law Society Gazette,
Blackball Place,
BY Scotland Yard trained
C.I.D. / Scene of Crime Officer
Ballyguile, Co. Wicklow
(0404) 9266 (anytime)
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