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APRIL 1986

The State Family Mediation Service


James F. O'Higgins



n March 1985, the Minister for State in the Depart-

ment of Justice (Women's Affairs, Family Law

Reform), Mrs. Nuala Fennell, appointed a Steering

Committee described as "The Steering Committee and

Pilot Scheme for Family Conciliation". The terms of

reference were to draw up a pilot "family conciliation

scheme" and, subject to the approval of such scheme,

to provide a service for a pilot period of three years. A

further objective was to make provision for an

independent assessment of the effectiveness of the

scheme, and at the end of the three year period to report

to the Minister.

The composition of the board was made up of various

disciplines and a report was presented to the Minister in

October 1985. In early 1986, approval was obtained to

appoint staff.

A co-ordinator has recently been appointed and a

selection process and training programme is underway

for mediators. When the training programme is

complete a mediation centre will open in one location in

Dublin, with initially, four mediators. While as a matter

of convenience the centre is in Dublin it is hoped that

referrals will be from all over the country.

The Committee decided at the outset to adopt the

word "mediation" rather than "conciliation", as the

word mediation did not have the connotations of labour

law nor did it cause confusion with "reconciliation".

The Irish scheme will be unique in that it will be the first

State sponsored service of its kind and its services will be


It is intended to be an "out-of-court" service and,

therefore, it will not be subject to judicial sanction or

control; but it is envisaged that informal referrals of

separating couples will come from members of the

judiciary. By this is meant that judges might

recommend the parties to family law proceedings to

attend the Mediation Service and if an agreement was

successfully mediated between the parties, the

agreement might be made a rule of court or the court

case adjourned. If the mediation failed the Court would

simply be informed of this fact and would proceed to

adjudicate on outstanding issues in the ordinary way.

The Mediation Service is an alternative to a court

system and, happily, solicitors are no longer concerned

that a perceived lucrative area of their professional

practice might be taken from them; on the contrary the

Pilot Scheme has been welcomed by the Law Society.

The Steering Committee has had consultations with a

sub-committee of the Law Society and with representa-

tives of the Legal Aid Board, we well as with members

of the judiciary. The concerns that solicitors had about

the "legality" of the agreement, or "memorandum of

understanding", entered into at the end of mediation

(such concerns as: were people's personal rights being

placed at risk; were they being surrendered as a result of

some lay person mediator's interference; would

solicitors leave themselves open to claims simply if they

recommended parties to attend for mediation?) can be

alleviated. Mediation is a different discipline and a strict

code of conduct for mediators has been drawn up by the

Committee. This code stresses the duty of the mediator

at the commencement of, during and at the end of, the

mediation process to advise a couple of their right to

take independent legal advice.

At the end of the mediation process any referring

solicitors will be advised by the Service that mediation

has terminated, they will not, however, be advised of

the "heads of agreement" without the consent of the


The mediators, before even embarking on the training

programme which has been designed by the Committee,

have all had experience in dealing with marital conflict,

counselling and conflict resolution. This team of skilled

people will take the couple together (not individually)

for an average of six sessions. A professsional

assessment will be made as to the suitability of the

couples for mediation and as to the optimum time to be



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