MARCH 1986
Why is
CCBE Celebrates its
25th Anniversary
The Consultative Committee of the Bars and Law
Societies of the European Community is the liaison
body officially recognised within the European Com-
munity for the professional organisations of lawyers in
all the member countries of the Community. The CCBE,
at the invitation of the Belgian National Order of Advo-
cates and the French and Dutch Orders of the Bar of
Brussels recently celebrated its 25th anniversary at a
special meeting in Brussels. The CCBE under the
Presidency of John D. Cooke SC held a special com-
memorative function in the presence of H R H Prince
Albert of the Belgians and eminent Belgian and Euro-
pean representatives in the Audience Hall of the Cour
de Cassation at the Palace of Justice in Brussels. The
guests included the originator of the idea of the CCBE
Hans-Peter Sehmid.
Addresses were given at the celebration by Mr. Jacques
Santcr, President of the Council of Ministers of the
European Community; Lord MacKenzie-Stuart, Presi-
dent of the European Court of Justice; Doyen Achille
de Cuysc, Senior Past President CCBE and John D.
Cooke, the current President.
The principal topic considered at the regular meeting
of the CCBE in November was the text of the draft
Directive on the Recognition of Diplomas throughout
the EEC. This Directive which is intended to replace the
proposed individual directives for individual trades and
professions is undergoing urgent consideration by the
CCBE, while a proposal to review the CCBEs own draft
Directive on Establishment of the Legal Profession in
lieu of the draft Directive on the Recognition of Dip-
lomas has been reviewed.
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