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New and Forthcoming Publications
Competition Law Source Book
(2 volumes)
Sincc the commencement of the Competition
Act 1991 a vast number of notifications have
been made to the Competition Authority
seeking certificates that agreements do not
offend against section 4 of the Competition
Act or seeking the equivalent of an exemption
from this significant provision of the
Competition Act.
These two volumes provide:
- All major judgments and decisions (with
headnotes and summaries) under subject
headings such as acquisitions and mergers,
agency, employees, distribution, exclusive
purchasing, intellectual property, property
arrangements and procedures.
- A complete list of notifications.
- Procedural guidelines with samples of the
Competition Authority forms and
explanatory notes.
- The relevant legislation including the
Competition Act, a consolidated version of
the Mergers, Takeovers and Monopolies
(Control) Act 1978 and the applicable
Statutory Instruments.
Each section is numbered for reference
purposes. Indices, the list of contents and the
layout of the book facilitate quick and easy
retrieval of relevant Statutory provisions,
judgments, decisions and available information.
This is an essential reference book for the
busy legal professional, academic and researcher.
ISBN 1-85800-048-3 £145.00
Now available.
The Law of Contract
Lawyers and students of the law need to have
access to a text on contract that will provide
them with instant answers to the law applied in
the courts. They also need to be aware of the
growing international nature of contracts and
the huge impact statutory provisions, both
from the Oireachtas and the European Union,
are having on the regulation of contractual
relationships. This book analyses some of the
conflicts and controversies surrounding this
crucial area, giving an insight as to how the
courts might be persuaded to rationalise many
of the legal rules that emerged in the 18th
century but which do not make sense in
today's environment. Some key advantages of
the work are:
- Clarity and accessibility: it presents a lucid
exposition of contract law which is both
readily accessible and comprehensive.
- Authoritative: each legal point is supported
by the highest authority with fully
referenced citations.
- Research material: extensive citation of
both case law and legal literature from
around the common law world acts as a
ready pool of reference for the legal
practitioner and student.
ISBN 1-85800-066-1 paperback £29.95;
-054-8 hardback £ 4 7 . 50
Now available.
Equity and the Law of
Trusts in Ireland
This book provides a coherent and
thorough examination and analysis of an
area of the law which is sorely in need of
an up-to-date text. In addition to the
comprehensive treatment of traditional
topics such as equitable maxims and
doctrines, it contains clear and detailed
analysis of increasingly dynamic equitable
concepts such as the constructive trust.
Areas of growing practical importance, in
particular equitable remedies, are examined
in depth and useful comparisons are made
with the position in other common law
jurisdictions. The author not only clarifies
recognised aspects of the subject but also
provides an insight into likely future
trends in this crucial area of the law.
ISBN 1 -85800-067-X paperback £39.95;
-072-6 hardback £55.00.
Now available.
Company Law Reports
This is a collection of previously
unreported cases. Here, for the first time,
are important judgments covering all areas
of company law, from registration, duties
of directors, to decisions involving the
purchase and disposal of shares,
oppression, reckless trading and all stages
of winding up including extensive cases
on examineiship
This book will prove a valuable
reference source, adding to the deepening
understanding of the jurisprudence and
case law of this vast area of law.
ISBN 1-899738-07-X £145.00
Now available.
Dublin University Law Journal
Volume 16, 1994
This journal covers a broad range of subjects
and areas of interest. It contains a mix of key
articles, case and comment and important
book reviews. Volume 16, published in
December 1995, brings the DULJ up to date
to 1994. Its articles include:
- 'Execution of Commercial Documents' by
Paul Kearney
- 'Retention of Tide in the 1990s: The
Disowning of Romalpa Continues' by
Barbara Maguire
- 'The Regulation of Tariffs and Indirect
Taxation in the Intra-Community Trade'
by Noel Travers.
(Volume 17 will be published in January 1996.)
ISSN 0332-3250 Subscription £ 3 5 . 00
Now available.
The Irish Jurist
Founded in 1848 and now in its fifth series,
the Irish Jurist is Ireland's oldest legal
periodical. Since the current series began,
some thirty years ago, it has attracted
contributions from leading scholars throughout
the common law and civil law worlds and
enjoys a wide international readetship.
'The writers of the IrishJurist deserveour gratitude'
Gazette of the LSI.
'It is a challengingand interesting read on diverse
aspects of the law'
New Law Journal.
ISSN 0021-1273 Subscription £ 3 5 . 00
Now available.
Human Rights Yearbook 1995
In his introduction to this first Yearbook,
Gerard Quinn outlines the human rights areas
which are of particular relevance to Ireland
today and which are covered by the seven
articles included in this volume.
The object of the Yearbook is to provide an
oudet for valuable articles on human rights and
the specific applicability of international
principles which are currently being written in
Ireland and about Ireland.
ISBN 1-899738-080-8 paperback £15.95;
-15-0 hardback £ 2 5 . 00
Available in January 1996.
BREHON HOUSE, 4 UPPER ORMOND QUAY, DUBLIN 7. TEL: INT. + 353-1-8730101; FAX: 8720078