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August 2017


City of Morgan Hill

Sewer System Master Plan

Other structural defects (PACP Rating 1-3), were used in the process of evaluating how critical

the individual pipe segments were.

The major structural defects were documented on

Figure 7.6

. The individual defects included

broken or deformed pipes, holes in the pipe, collapsed pipes, or obstructions located within the

pipe. These defects are indicators that pipelines have already failed or are in imminent danger of


Infiltration and inflow defects were also documented as part of this analysis and included on

Figure 7.7


Figure 7.8

. These defects can lead to sanitary sewer overflows, premature

pipeline upsizing and higher treatment costs.


Improvement Recommendations

Improvements recommendations were developed based on the findings of the condition

assessment. As pipelines fail to varying degrees and in various locations, the improvement

recommendations were grouped by the following criteria:



This category is based on the failure type and location to critical places, such as

schools or creeks.



To avoid costly mobilization and adverse public interference, improvements

were grouped into confined neighborhoods.



Pipelines were also grouped by cost. As it may be cost prohibitive to complete a

City-wide rehabilitation and replacement program, improvements were grouped to

maintain an annual reasonable cost for budgeting purposes.

The project groupings are documented in

Appendix C

. Once groups were created, they were

prioritized by the overall risk of the group, and proximity to other groups.

Additionally, City staff identified priority sections of pipeline intended to be replaced in the near-

term due to deteriorated conditions or operational considerations (

Table 7.2

). It should be noted

that, for planning purposes, the operational improvements generally involve replacing pipes in

kind. These improvements are described as follows:



: Replace the existing 6-inch gravity sewer located on right-of-way along Holiday

Drive to Oak Lane. This improvement is meant to mitigate the existing sag in the gravity

main that could cause flows to spill into the adjacent lake. It should be noted that this

pipeline is planned for rehabilitation and is shown on the condition assessment exhibits

included in

Appendix C




: Replace the existing 6-inch gravity sewer along Wright Avenue from 230 feet east

of Garden Avenue to Del Monte Avenue. This improvement is meant to repair the existing

gravity main that is currently broken.