Turk's Neck Cup.
1 pint dry champagne.
1 pint French claret.
1 long cube ice. Dress with fruit and mint.
Velvet Cup.
Use glass pitcher.
1 pint champagne.
1 pint stout.
1 long cube ice.
(Dark imported beer may bo used in place of
stout if preferred).
Brandy Daisy.
Juice of ^ a lemon.
Juice of ^ a lime.
% jigger raspberry syrup.
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1 jigger brandy.
In goblet with fine ice. Fruit.
Chocolate Daisy.
Juice of 1 lime.
^ jigger brandy.
% jigger port.
% jigger raspberry syrup.
Goblet, with fine ice. Fruit.
Gin Daisy.
Juice % lemon.
1 jigger gin.
^ jigger raspberry syrup.
In goblet with fine ice. Fruit.
Ginger Daisy.
Juice % lime.
% barspoonful sugar.
Vi jigger gin.
% jigger brandy.
Shake in fine ice. Pour into goblet. Decorate
with fruit and mint.
Highland Daisy.
Juice ^ lemon.
Juice % lime.
Juice % orange.
% jigger Scotch whiskey.
1 jigger syrup.
In goblet with fine ice. Decorate with fruit.