The Pousse-Cafes are usually served after the
meals like Luncheon and. Dinner.
They are French drinks,very popular in France.
The different and several liqueurs required in
the preparation of these Pousse-Cafes must be
held perfectly separate from each other. The
best way is to pour the liqueurs from the bottles
into a spoon, and thereupon slowly into the
glass along its side.
A Pousse-Cafe may contain 8 different liqueurs,
or only 2 or 3 ones.
No. 153. The American Flag Pousse-
The ingredients are:
1/5 of the capacity of the Poussc^Cafe glass
of Grenadine syrup
.1/5 of ditto of Maraschino
1/5 of ditto of Yellow Chartreuse
1/5 of ditto of Green Curacao
1/5 of ditto of Brandy.
No. 154.
Jersey Lily.
Equal parts of Brandy and Yellow Chartreuse.
The latter being the heaviest liqueur should be
poured out first, the Brandy floating on the
top of it.