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No. 155.

Pousse ramour.

Pour into a cocktail glass without mixing:

The yolk ot a Iresh egg

1/3 Anisette

1/3 Green Curacao

1/3 Brandy.

This drink should be taken in one gulp.

No. 156. Pousse-Cafe Francais.

The ingredients are poured out into the Pousse-

Cafe glass in the following order and quantities.

1/6 ot the capacity of the Pousse^Cate glass

ot Raspberry syrup.

1/6 ot ditto of Anisette

1/6 ot ditto of Brown Curacao

1/6 ot ditto of Creen Curacao

1/6 ot ditto of Yellow Chartreuse

1/6 ot ditto ot Brandy.

The Pousse-Cafes are also called »Rainbow»

because of the similarity of its colours.

No. 157. Pousse-Cafe Parisien.

The ingredients are;

1/5 ot the Pousse=^Cafe glass of Syrup of Cre=




1/5 ot ditto ot Maraschino

1/5 ot ditto ot Brown Curacao


1/5 ot ditto of Yellow Chartreuse


1/5 ot ditto of Fine Champagne.