No. 181.
Snigh Sour.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add:
The juice of half a lemon
Sugar according to taste
1/3 of French Vermouth
1/3 of Portwine
1/3 ot Whisky
3 dashes ot Anisette.
Shake well, strain into a small tumbler and fill
up with plain water.
No. 182. Yachting Club Sour.
FiU the shaker half full of broken ice and add:
The juice of half a lemon
Sugar according to taste
The white of an egg
1 glass ot Brandy
3 dashes of Green Curacao.
Shake well, strain into a small tumbler and fill
up with plain water.
No. 18.3.
Vermouth Sour.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add:
The juice of a lemon
Sugar according to taste
One and a halt glass of Italian Vermouth.
Shake well, strain into a small tumbler and fill
up with cold soda water.
No. 184.
Whisky Sour.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add:
The juice of a lemon
Sugar according to taste
1 glass of Rye Whisky.
Shake weU, strain into a small tumbler and
fill up with cold soda water.