Volume 17, Number 1 2015
and intervention strategies, a smaller but still sizeable
proportion reported less than adequate skills.
A common suggestion for improvement was to provide
education and training at both university and PD levels.
However, the findings of our survey suggest that existing
university education programs may be less than adequate
in equipping student graduates with knowledge and
skills for work with this population. Further, while SLPs
in our study reported high interest in PD opportunities,
this contrasted with the low frequency with which they
sought PD activities. This discrepancy may reflect a lack
of appropriate PD opportunities relevant to their specific
needs. The SLPs in our study also indicated the need
for resource materials to be made easily accessible and
understood in the form of clear protocols and guidelines.
Additionally, gaps in the availability of assessment and
intervention materials were identified. These limitations are
not specific to Australia and have been found elsewhere,
such as the USA (Centeno, 2009).
This study points to an urgent need for improvement at
multiple levels, such as in university entry-level programs,
continuing PD opportunities, service policies and resources,
as has been recommended by Speech Pathology Australia
(2009), to better support clinicians working with CALD
populations. Underlying the suggestions to address the
knowledge, skills, and resource gaps, is perhaps the
need for more research in aphasia management for CALD
populations, as identified by several respondents in this
survey and also in the existing literature (Centeno, 2009;
Kiran & Goral, 2012; Lorenzen & Murray, 2008).
The challenges identified in this study may have implications
for the quality of care provided. A sizeable proportion of the
SLPs in this survey reported less than adequate confidence
levels in their assessment and treatment, and also in their
abilities to provide positive outcomes for their clients. The
lower levels of confidence stand in contrast to Rose et al’s.
(2014) survey where SLPs reported very high confidence
levels regarding adopting the range of social, functional,
and neuropsychological approaches to aphasia intervention
for monolingual English-speaking clients.
The relatively small sample size in the current study
suggests the results may not be generalisable to the entire
Australian aphasia rehabilitation SLP population. The exact
number of members in the target population, however, was
unknown and it was not possible to determine the exact
representativeness of the recruited sample.
Future implications
For a comprehensive understanding of the service practices
across all areas of adult focused speech-language pathology,
further investigation are recommended, in particular, adopting
a more in-depth approach such as in-depth interviewing or
focus groups, with an emphasis on contextually relevant
factors requiring attention in order to mitigate change.
The results in this study add to the growing evidence that
SLPs are still facing significant challenges in aphasia
management for CALD populations. This is despite repeated
calls by professional bodies and from the scholarly literature
for changes to occur (Centeno, 2009; Lorenzen and Murray,
2009; Speech Pathology Association of Australia, 2009).
Universities and SLP departments are urged to consider
increasing education and continuing PD about appropriate
aphasia assessment and intervention practices with CALD
populations. Increased research needs to also be considered,
alongside mechanisms to support the development of
suitable assessment and treatment materials for Australian
wide distribution. It will not be sufficient to educate SLPs
without equipping them with the right materials.
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