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ube &




ills and









VMOG UK that captured all information

into a single, auditable and secure storage


VMOG UK now has a single, unified means

of reviewing the entire history of an order

with one click. The system integrates

scanners, back-end ERP (enterprise

resource planning) systems, user’s email

accounts and other sources of data. This

ensures that the company can use a single,

unified means of reviewing the entire

history of an order with one click.

This solution makes the company’s account

managers, production staff and schedulers

more efficient and cuts down hugely on the

amount of paper being used to manage

the process. It also saves costs when it

comes to using the postal service to send


The document management system for

VMOG is based around Microsoft Office

SharePoint Portal 007 server. In combination

with Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007, Microsoft

Exchange 2007 and Microsoft Office Outlook

2007, the entire system seamlessly captures

all paperwork, emails and other information

relating to projects.

VMOG UK is involved in the high volume

production of pipes for the oil and gas

industry, using a complex range of tube

and pipe machinery. The company needs to

record and control all of the documentation

concerning the pipes and their joints for

many years in case of the failure of a critical

supply line.

With two offices in the UK, electronic

information was being printed

out, handed around, scanned and

then stored again in an electronic

system. All staff concerned relied

upon paper filing systems to

ensure that records were up-to-

date and reliable.

To find an effective solution, the

company took on the services

of Sysnet, a leading provider

of innovative solutions for

information management and a

Microsoft Gold certified partner.

Sysnet designed a flexible and

fully integrated solution for

Vallourec & Mannesman Oil & Gas, UK, has

recently implemented an effective solution

to its document and email management

problems to ensure first-rate referencing of

all its pipe products. Managing the flow of

information in a noisy, hot and demanding

production environment can be extremely

difficult. Added problems can arise in the

process of ensuring the system is up-to-

date and accurate.




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Effective document management in a

tube production environment

Managing information flow can often be difficult in the noisy and

demanding production environment of a tube manufacturing
