Family Beer
10 galls, boiling water.
15 oz. ground ginger.
10 oz. cream tartar.
10 lemons sliced.
Put all together and when nearly cool strain and add
15 lbs. brown sugar. After which cut % oz. oU of
cloves and % oz. oil cinnamon, in 4 oz. alcohol. When
luke-warm, put In 1 pint of yeast and in 15 hours skim
and filter it. If bottled, tie corks down carefully.
Lincoln Club Guzzle
1 bottle ginger ale.
1 pony Santa Croix rum.
Mix well.
English Bishop
(Use a small punch bowl)
1 quart of the best Port v/ine.
1 orange (stuck pretty well with cloves.
Roast the orange before a fire, and when sufficiently
brown, cut in quarters, and pour over it the Port wine,
(previously made hot), add sugar to taste, and let the
mixture simmer over the fire for half an hour.
Eagle Punch
1 bottle of Islay whisky.
1 bottle of Monongahela.
Lemon peel, sugar and—^boiling water.