Lincoln Clnb Ponch
(For a party of twenty-five)
Take 4 bottles of champagne.
1 bottle of pale sherry.
1 bottle of Cognac.
1 bottle of Sauteme.
1 pineapple, sliced and cut in small pieces.
4 lemons, sliced.
Sweeten to taste, mix, cool and serve.
May Wine Punch
(Use a large punch bowl.)
Take one or two bunches of woodruff, and cut It into
small pieces and place it into a large bar glass, and fill
up the balance with the best French brandy, cover it
up and let it stand for two or three hours, until the
essence of the woodruff is thoroughly extracted; cover
the bottom of the bowl with loaf sugar, and pour from
4 to 6 bottles of plain soda over the sugar.
Cut up 6 oranges in slices.
% pineapple, and sufficient berries and grapes.
8 bottles of MoseUe or Rhine wine.
1 botUe of Veure Clicquot.
Then put your woodruff and brandy, etc., into the
bowl, and then stir well, and you will have 2% to 3
gallons of excellent May Wine Punch; surround the
bowl with ice, serve in a wine glass in such a manner
that each customer will get a piece of aU the fruits
contained In the punch.
Boil a large kettle of strong black coffee, take a large
dish and put 4 pounds of sugar into it; then pour 4
bottles of brandy and 2 bottles of Jamaica rum over
the sugar, and set it on fire, let the sugar dissolve and
drop into the black coffee; sUr this well and you wiH
have a good hot pimch.