Cocktail Colfee
(Use a large bar glass)
1 tea-spoonful of powdered white sugar.
1 fresh egg.
1 large wine-glass of port wine.
1 pony of best brandy.
2 or 3 lumps of ice.
Break the egg into the glass, put in the sugar, and
lastly the port wine, brandy and ice.
Shake up thoroughly, and strain into a medium-sized
goblet. Grate a little nutmeg on top before serving.
Morning Cocktail
(Use medium bar glass)
3 or 4 dashes of gum syrup.
2 dashes of Curacoa (red).
2 dashes of Angostura Bitters.
1 dash of Absinthe.
1 pony of best brandy.
1 pony of whisky.
1 piece of lemon peel, twisted to extract the oil.
3 small lumps of ice.
Stir thoroughly and remove the ice. Fill the glass
with Seltzer water, and stir with a tea-spoon having a
little sugar in it.
Bottle of Cocktail
1 qt. of good old whisky.
1 pony glass of Curacoa.
1 wine-glass of gum syrup.
% pony glass of Angostura bitters.
Mix this well by pouring it from one shaker into an
other, until it is thoroughly mixed, pour into a bottle
and cork it, and you will have an elegant bottle of