1 wine-glass of rye whisky.
Fill glass one-third full of fine ice.
Shake well, strain into a large cocktail glass, and AH
up with seltzer water.
Champagne Cup
(Use a large punch howl for a party)
2 wine-glasses of pineapple syrup.
4 to 6 sprigs of green halm.
1 quart of Curacoa.
1 pint of Chartreuse (green).
1 quart of fine old Cognac.
1 quart of Tokay.
4 bottles of Apollinaris.
6 oranges tind 2 lemons, cut in slices.
Stir up well together, let it stand two hours, strain
It into another bowl and add:
% pineapple cut in slices,
box of strawberries.
6 bottles of champagne.
Place the bowl in the ice, and sweeten with a llttls
sugar and let it ferment, stir up well and serve.
Bowl of Egg Nogg for a Party
For a three gallon bowl mix as follows:
lbs. of fine powdered sugar.
20 fresh eggs; have the yolks separated; beat as thin
as water, and add the yolks of the eggs into the sugar,
and dissolve by stiring well together.
2 quarts of good old brandy.
1% pints of Jamaica rum.
2 gallons of good rich milk.
Mix the ingredients well, find stir continually while
pouring in the milk to prevent it from curdling; then
beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and put this
on top; then fill a bar glass with a ladle, put some of
the egg froth on top, grate a little nutmeg over it and