Pineapple Julep
(For a party of five)
The juice of two oranges.
1 gill of raspberry syrup.
1 gill of Maraschino.
1 gill of gin.
1 quart bottle Sparkling Moselle.
1 ripe pineapple, peeled and sliced small and cut up.
Put all the materials in a glass bowl, ice, and serve
in cocktail glasses, ornamented with herries in season.
Wliisky and Cider
(Use a whisky glass)
Hand the bottle of whisky to the customer to help
himself, fill up the glass with good apple cider, stir
well with a spoon, and serve, and you will have a very
nice drink.
Santa Cruz Rum Daisy
(Use small bar glass)
3 or 4 dashes of rum syrup.
2 or 3 dashes of Curacoa.
The juice of half a lemon.
1 wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum. ,
Fill glass one-third full shaved ice.
Shake thoroughly, strain into a large cocktail glass,
and fill up with seltzer water.
Santa Cruz Fix
(Use small bar glass)
1 large tea-spoonful of powdered sugar, dissolved In
a little water.
2 dashes of Curacoa.
The juice of half a lemon.
A wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum.
FUl up the glass two-thirds full of shaved ice, stir
well and ornament the top with a slice of orange and
a piece of pineapple.