raapberry Juice by this method, but the quantity of
sugar must be reduced.
Soda Negns
(Use a small punch bowl; about 1 qurat)
1 pint of port wine.
12 lumps of loaf sugar.
8 cloves.
Grated nutmeg sufficient to fill a small tea-spoon;
put the above ingredients Into a thoroughly clean
saucepan, warm and stir them well, but do not suffer
It to boil; upon the warm wine empty a bottle of plain
soda. This makes a delicious and refreshing drink.
Claret Cup for a Party
(Use a bowl for mixing)
10 to 12 pieces of lump sugar.
1 bottle of Apollinaris.
2 lemons, 2 oranges and Vz pineapple, cut In slices.
2 wine-glasses of Maraschino.
Mix well with a ladle, place this Into your vessel or
tin dish filled with ice, when the party is ready to call
for it, add:
4 bottles fine claret.
1 bottle of champagne, or any other sparkling wine.
Mix thoroughly and place sufficient berries on top
and serve It, and you will have an elegant Claret Cup.
Bottled Velvet
(Use a punch bowl)
1 quart bottle of Moselle.
% pint of sherry wine.
2 table-spoonfuls of sugar.
1 lemon.
1 sprig of verbena.
Peel the lemon very thin, using only sufficient of the
peel to produce the desired flavor; add the other In
gredients, strMn and ice.