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Fine Lemonade for Parties

(Use a pimch bowl—1 gallon)

Take the rind of 8 lemons.

Juice of 12 lemons.

2 lbs. of loaf sug£ir.

1 gallon of boiling water.

Rub the rinds of the 8 lemons in the sugar ""Hi it

has absorbed all the oil, and put it with the remainder

of the sugar in a jug; add the lemon juice and pour the

boiling water over the whole. When the sugar is dis

solved, strain the lemonade through a piece of muslin,

and when cool, it wUl be ready for use. To Improve

the lemonade add the white of 4 eggs beaten up with It.

Jersey Sour

(Use small bar glass)

Take 1 large tea-spoonful of powdered sugar dis

solved in a little water.

2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice.

1 wine-glass of apple jack.

Fill the glass with ice, shake up, and strain into a

claret glass. Ornament with berries in season.

Stone Wall

(Use a large bar glass)

^4 table-spoonful of sugar.

3 or 4 lumps of ice.

1 wine-glass of whisky.

1 bottle plain soda.

Stir well with a spoon, remove the ice and serve.

Whisky Daisy

(Use small bar glass)

3 dashes gum syrup.

2 dashes Orgeat syrup.

The juice of half a small lemon.