Purpose of Economic Blueprint
The City’s most
recent adoption
Morgan Hill
develops the
lens for which all
future City
Council decisions will be viewed. From a
thriving economy and highly inclusive
community to a healthy environment, the
community’s long-term sustainability is the
foundation for all policies, projects,
programs, and initiatives. The Economic
Blueprint is a significant opportunity to
advance this vision and all the benefits of a
sustainable community.
The City's General Fund revenues, which
provide for many of the services the
community enjoys, such as police services,
fire protection, and recreation, are derived
from property taxes, sales taxes, recreation
services, and hotel transient occupancy
taxes. The City's ability to provide public
safety services, safe roads, youth and senior
services, and other amenities to its
residents requires a progressive approach
to General Fund revenue growth. In order
for Morgan Hill to continue to provide
quality services and amenities to its
residents, the City needs long term reliable
revenue growth to offset growing costs of
This can be achieved through careful land
use planning, policy creation and strategic
actions that, combined, will ensure
economic prosperity.
Maintaining Morgan Hill's quality of life,
unique character, and strong sense of
community can only be achieved by
ensuring the principles of Sustainable
Morgan Hill are in balance. This includes
having long term and sound economic
development objectives. The Economic
Blueprint will provide specific guidance for
land use and policy decisions that will
support economic prosperity and
sustainability. The purpose of the Economic
Blueprint is to focus the City’s and its
partners’ economic development efforts.
The City in its role will align its financial and
human resources to increase economic
prosperity in the City of Morgan Hill.
The Economic Blueprint identifies strategies
and actions that will generate jobs,
investment, and economic vitality by
focusing on four key industries. The
Economic Blueprint focuses on actionable
items that the city can influence such as
land use and policy decisions that remove
unnecessary barriers, provide clear
intentions, and align partners and