This is Our Story
As you’ll learn later, our community-first philosophy helped turn around
a company that was once on the brink of failure. We think of our
company as:
• New
—We are always growing, always looking for better ways
to serve our patients, each other and our world.
• Ours
— As teammates, we are the ones who are empowered
and accountable to take care of our Village and help
shape its future.
• Special
— Every day we can choose — through our actions
and attitudes — to make our dialysis center or
Neighborhood (business office) a unique and
special place.
DaVita has other important foundations and principles that are good to
remember, too.
Click below to watch some special DaVita traditions that help us
remember what we’re all about. Pay close attention — you may be
asked about these at your next Village gathering!
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