The DaVita Way
Many companies have cultures and “ways of doing
things.” For example, when you go to Disney World, you’ll
notice they have a specific way of doing things. When
you fly on Southwest Airlines, you know that you’re on a
Southwest plane or at a Southwest gate. There’s a familiar look
and feel, and they have a very specific way of doing things. It’s the
same with Ritz-Carlton and other companies I’m sure you can think of.
They have a very specific and intentional culture.
At DaVita, we have a way of doing things. It’s called “The DaVita Way.”
It’s the way we define our culture. The name of our culture is… The
DaVita Way.
The DaVita Way means that we dedicate our Head, Heart
and Hands to pursue the Mission, live the Values, and build
a healthy Village.
It means we care for each other with the same intensity with
which we care for our patients.
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