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gas. In unconventional production, this “produced water” also

includes substantial volumes of injected water that has returned

to the surface. The handling, transmission, reuse and ultimate

disposal of produced water are prone to incidents of water

release that can impact surface water and groundwater quality.

In addition, the transmission of deeper formation fluids (water

and hydrocarbons) into aquifers (via loss of “wellbore integrity”

commonly associated with faulty or degraded cement seals) is

a poorly constrained risk in all hydrocarbon development. Gas

hydrate can also be expected to result in potentially-significant

volumes of produced water which will need to be disposed of.

As mentioned above, however, gas hydrates tend to exist too

close to the sea floor or ground surface to coexist with liquid

hydrocarbons, limiting the hydrocarbon contamination danger

during production. Moreover, given that the water released

during hydrate dissociation is highly purified (the combination

of hydrate formation and dissociation has even been researched

as a means of purifying water), the produced water will be a

blend of fresh and in-situ water. The issues associated with gas

hydrate produced water management will therefore be unique.

For example, in the marine setting, it may be necessary to add

salt to the water before returning it the environment.

Air Quality Impacts: Air quality impacts can occur in a variety of

ways. Fugitive emissions associated with releases during drilling

and losses at pipelines and associated compressor stations are

poorly constrained at present and are the subject of substantial

research related to both emission detection and mitigation.

Gas hydrate production, like any conventional gas production,

will add to the total volume of gas being handled, and as such,

could generate additional emissions. Similarly, potential impacts

associated with utilization (combustion and release of CO



will also be the same for any gas, regardless of the reservoir

from which it is produced. However, as discussed in Volume

2 Chapter 1 and Volume 2 Chapter 4, potential positive

implications of additional gas hydrate utilization could occur if

that gas displaces fuels that burn less cleanly. In this regard, the

relative purity of hydrate-derived gas (commonly 99%methane

with limited impurities, which strongly distinquishes it from

other unconventional gas sources) should give it the smallest

air-quality impact of any fossil fuel resource. Moreover, as

suggested in Text Box 3.4, it may be possible to protect the

air quality by injecting waste CO


gas into the hydrate-bearing

formation rather than allowing the CO


produced while burning

methane to enter the atmosphere.

Methane Gas “Burps”: Gas hydrate may have been an active

participant in past episodes of global climate change, resulting

in substantial additions of methane gas to the atmosphere

(see Volume 1 Chapters 2 and 3 for a full discussion). Such

releases are inferred to have occurred over long time frames

in response to global changes in water-bottom temperature

and sea-level. The potential for similar releases in response

to ongoing climate change is uncertain, but whatever that risk

may be, there is no connection to the issue of gas production

from gas hydrate because climate-sensitive hydrates (those

with the potential to respond to environmental change) and

reservoir-quality hydrates exist as physically distinct and

separate sub-sets of the global gas hydrate distribution. There

is no meaningful opportunity to either mitigate future climate-

driven releases of methane from gas hydrate, nor exacerbate

them, through production (see Boswell and Collett, 2011).

the most promising technique, the testing has thus far been

of limited duration and does not provide a basis for consid-

eration of the long-term production response of the reservoir.

The next milestone in this field will likely be a series of ex-

tended-duration production tests, in which the long-term

production behaviour of the reservoir and the associated

physical impacts can be assessed more fully. These projects

would be complex, expensive, and technically challenging.

However, the data acquired during long-duration produc-

tion testing are critical for the refinement and calibration of

numerical reservoir simulators and for addressing persistent

uncertainties in the prediction of long-term, field-scale res-

ervoir responses and potential environmental impacts. The

lessons from such tests could ultimately contribute to the

design of specific production strategies tailored to particular

geological settings around the world.

For the immediate future, gas hydrate production research

will likely continue to be facilitated primarily by government