roduction &
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for profile measure-
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measurement of plate
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for thickness, flatness,
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LAP Laser LLC.
7669 Wooster Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45227, USA
Gertner Service GmbH
ul. Chasovaja, 23A 125315 Moskau
LAP Anzeige Tube 090325.indd 1
25.03.2009 13:41:13 Uhr
Universal Finishing Systems, UK, has
designed and manufactured a new coating
and drying line for Bant Boru, Turkey’s
sole manufacturer of double walled copper
brazed tubes. This is the fifth international
order for Universal in this sector, with
previous finishing lines having been
installed in Germany and Italy.
Bant Boru has gained an enviable
reputation for the reliability and quality of its
tubing, which is supplied to the automotive
sector for fluid storage, transfer and delivery
pipeline for brakes, fuel and air conditioning.
The tubes are also supplied as condenser
tubing in refrigeration equipment.
The new line at Bant Boru’s plant in Gebze,
just outside Istanbul, utilises Universal’s
Supa-Vac vacuum coating system for
the application of a water-based etching
treatment. This is then dried with an inline
gas infra-red drying system, using special
cylindrical emitters fabricated to suit the
Following application of this coating,
Universal has manufactured a custom
designed cartridge coating system for the
application of a solvent primer coating
(figure 1), which is required to ensure
excellent adhesion of the final high
performance PA coating. In order to dry
the primer coating and convert the volatile
solvent emissions into harmless gases,
Universal has supplied an integrated hot air
dryer/thermal oxidizing system (figure 2).
“This coating line is a very efficient and
environmentally friendly coating line,
utilising 100 per cent transfer efficient
application machines, a high speed radiant
drying unit and a convective drying system,
which burns off harmful solvent emissions
and re-circulates the hot air for drying,”
says Mr Kevin Whittle, managing director of
Universal Finishing Systems.
Mr Ismail Cenker, managing director of Bant
Boru, comments,
“This line illustrates Bant
Boru’s commitments to its customers and
will enable us to respond to our customers’
demands for quality, high performance
brake pipe and rapid delivery times. Plus, it
helps us to be environmentally friendly and
provides significant energy savings. We
were delighted with Universal’s cooperation
with this project and the smooth installation
and start up of the line.”
Universal Finishing Systems
– UK
: +44 1244 288 102
www.universalfinishing.comEffective coating for automotive brakepipe lines
Figure 2: Universal’s hot air dryer/thermal
oxidizing system
Figure 1:
The Cartridge
coating system