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High Power RF Tubes for Pipe Welding
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quality, high performance RF tubes
at competitive prices.
ITK30-2 BW1184J2
ITK60-2 BW1185J2
ITK120-2 BW1643J2
EMS, France, is the manufacturer of
a complete range of tube end-forming
machines with standard working power
from 30kN to 800kN. These machines –
electrically or hydraulically driven – are
utilized in the fabrication of automotive
The single or double machines enable the
forming of one or two ends, with a maximum
of 10 successive working stations. The
machines require no setting down of the
tube and include end-forming, chamfering,
machining and rolling operations.
The company recently supplied its
machinery to a German automotive
subcontractor to simultaneously end-form
both ends of stainless steel bent tubes. This
task is difficult as both ends of the tube are
Complex tube end-forming in the automotive industry
not located on the same axes. In carrying
out this work, an important ID expansion of
50 per cent was achieved.
The machine developed by EMS was able,
under one clamping movement, to perform
extreme end-forming with a working power
of 400kN. EMS is still currently developing
the cutting machine systems for this
process. In addition to the classic CT
system using knives – that allows cutting of
over-length without scraps – EMS has also
developed the CTR model.
The CTR machine is based on a wheel that
approaches and cuts the tube from inside
to outside. The result is a clean cut, without
burrs and deformation. The new fully
electric model of cutting machine (type CTR
AK), allows a combination of cutting, rolling
and calibration of tubes up to Ø 400mm,
with all type of material and wall thickness.
The new model also cuts tubes with several
angles, without any burrs or deformation.
The new model is highly appreciated by the
aerospace and exhaust industries because
it is silent and electrically driven, and allows
manufacturing of tube ends without scraps
or burrs.
EMS also undertakes the manufacture
of full automatic production lines for
manufacturing press-fittings. The operations
for this area include cutting, chamfering and
end forming of stainless steel, steel, brass
or copper tubes for the heating and sanitary
EMS is a leader in production lines or
machines for mounting of catalytic exhaust
systems, including forming, mounting,
spinning and measuring technologies.
Other EMS services include maintenance,
supply of cutting and end-forming tools, and
production of pre-serial prototypes.
– France
: +33 388 910537
The tube from the German automotive
subcontractor, end-formed using EMS technology
Automotive tube
cutting expertise
from EMS (before
and after cut)