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Kneeling left to right: Fr. Dan Dilla-

bough. Henry Rodriguez, Richard

Jerrett, Brian Hartig, Don Priaby,

Doug Remsen, Rirardo Villa. Tora-

mie "TJ"Jennings. Second row left

to right: Ray Hart, William Nolan,

Rodrigo Valdivia, Juan Moreno, Jim

Weime, Michael Shecora, Charles

Fuld. Third row left to right: John

Dolan, MarkSmith, Mike Leonard,

Fr. Richard Duncanson, SteveGrav­

en, John Clickman, Steve Horning.

Frank Roaa. Back row left to right-

Christian Michael, John Gionola,

Jerry Gluts, Ralph Partida, Dave


_ _

St. Francis Seminary is located on the

^ northeast end of the USD campus. Within


this community are thirty men preparing for

the Catholic priesthood. The seminary pro-


vides an environment where these men can

discern a vocation to the priesthood. The


seminarians' daily schedule involves: Mass,

community prayer, classes and various apos-


tolic works in the diocese. Seminarians are

involved in Campus Ministry, the Associated

JU Student Body and many other campus ac-

tivities. These Activities aid the seminarians

C in dealing with people andworking in auni-

versity community.

Members of the Student Alumni Association were se­

lected on the basis of their high visibility on campus,

good grades, involvement in activities, andleadership

qualities. SAA members act as a liason between the

students and the USDAlumni Association in the plan­

ning of alumni and student activities. SAA participants

are able to meet and work with alumns on projects and

as a result the twogroups arebrought closertogether.

The SAAassists the alumni with the ChristmasMass

and reception, the AlumniPhonathon, and the Alumni

Career Day for students. Other activities include a

mountain retreat, Homecoming float, fundraising pro­

jects, the Senior Banquet, Community Outreach pro­

gram, anda major social event.

hont rowL to R: Cathy Campbell,

•fjtotal Smith, Ken Best, Mary

AnneArena,DesireeWharton, Lau-

Kerbs, Sharon Wilson, Mary

JjUng. Middle row L to R: Andy


Jackson Muecke, Gene

^•fkr, MikeLindmark, Anne Win-

*••, MattDeline, Mike DeRoche,

•Bginia Stehly, Mark Killeen, Ro-

•"ta Joalin. Backrow L to R: Mark

'*fcke, Chris Gualtieri, Jon Bro-

Mh, Rich Huver, Tom Paskowitz,

Juries Pillon, Bob Call, Betsy